I need help, I'mreposting a post from a few days ago...


New member
I was sitting on the couch and Baloo was laying in front of me on the floor on top of my feet this is one of his favorite places to hang out.. He was sleeping when all of the sudden he flew up off the floor like someone set his tail on fire and walked around the room with his head down, looking scared and confused. I called him and he didn't come at first but I was able to get him to come in my vicinity and calmed him while encouraging him to lay down. It was almost like he didn't hear me or something... A few moments passed and he was fine. He has did this a couple of times before once was when I was grooming him. I mentioned it to the vet and he thought Baloo was just trying to be avoidant about being groomed...

I'm wondering if he is getting "shocks" like you can get when you have nerve pain, as he has hip dysplasia and arthritis in his front leg. He does have a tremor in his hind quarter but he has had that since he was young. The vet was not overly concerned about this tremor as it wasn't causing him pain and in retrospect can go along with the hips. The other thing I wondered if he could be having a seizure? That is kinda of what happens when my son has a seizure he starts to wander and doesn't know what's happening around him, is frightened and doesn't remember anything when he wakes up...

Any thoughts would be appreciated


New member
I sure don't have any answers for you. I had a Lhasa Apso that had Grand Mal (tonic-clonic) seizures. He would never have been able to get up and fly around the room during those seizures, he was very stiff. Confusion and inability to respond WERE two of his symptoms though and I know there are different types of seizures. I sure hope you can figure this out for Baloo! :hugs:


New member
I've seen dogs do that occasionally, when they're being bitten by something (a bug), or being poked by a stick caught in their fur that they don't know is there, etc.

But it could be anything, like a twinge, or a sharp pinpoint nerve pain.


New member
my saska has similar episodes , after some time and lots of exrays , specialist , etc , saska has bad arthritas in his spine and there is some fusion of the vertabre , and his episodes are due to a trapped or pinched nerve . i do hope you can get to the bottom of this soon , hugs to you all ,


New member
Poor Baloo. :( The only thing I could think of is a static shock, but that probably wouldn't cause the confusion unless he was in a really deep sleep and startled.
I hope it can be fixed and doesn't have to go on too long for him.


New member
Poor guy. My dogs can both be a little strange if they are wakened suddenly, like by thunder. They seem disoriented and I honestly think they are not quite awake when they get up and start moving.

I hope you get some answers!


New member
Kayra, my Chow would do that. Most of the time was out of sleep. If you watched her behaviours, I do believe she was in the middle of a dream..legs would jerk.. breathing would change... and then it was if she woke up out of the dream still thinking it was real.


New member
There's a type of seizure that Baloo's behavior may fall into. Here's a snippet from the article and a link to the full article.

[FONT=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Complex focal seizures originate in the areas of the brain that control emotions and behavior (the temporal lobes) and are sometimes called psychomotor seizures. When a seizure begins in one of these areas, the animal's consciousness is altered and they behave bizarrely. They may run uncontrollably, engage in senseless, repetitive behavior, or rarely fly into a rage. Other times, we see bodily functions affected and the pet may have diarrhea or vomit. Following a typical generalized seizure, unusual behavior (post-ictal behavior) is common and may go on for hours. Complex focal seizures, like other types of seizures, are typically very brief. [/FONT]


New member
How scary for both of you. I'm sorry I have no ideas but hope you get to the bottom of it. Hugs to you and Baloo.


New member
Ginny thank you, yes I believe that is what is going on with Baloo:( However it doesn't happen with any frequency which is a good thing so I'm not sure what they would do...Ironcially my son has partial complex seizures which are related--geesch! Baloo has an 8 yr birthday check up and I'm going to ask his vet about this AND I am going to send off another hemopet thyroid test to Jean Dodds as he is still symptomatic of possible thyroid issues...