Hunt Corp....Arrugh!!!!


New member
It's hapened again.
A Hunt Corp truck here in Cols caught fire. I don't know the extent of things yet, but one of the vets I work for was called out to assess the puppies. I don't think there were any fatalities this time (thank God), but I know our clinic is going to be getting two puppies for treatment due to smoke inhalation. At least tomorrow I can look forward to going to work and loving them up. Poor babies..... :(

There's got to be a special place in he** for people who put profits ahead of innocent lives. :mad:


New member
Every state has bumper stickers for their sports teams..thus..why couldn't one create a large photo, with 'minimal headline' to what is happening. Some wide spread publicity..might just help the demise..of such groups. Jus a thought. ina n HB


New member
Hope the pups are ok and that they got extra special treatment from you today. I will refrain from giving my opinions on the Hunte I fear I would be kicked off NN for the language.

PS...speaking of pups..Bella can't wait to meet Bo and Levi


New member
Thanks for asking, Sar. They brought back a Boxer and a French Bulldog. The Boxer was fine after a bit of rest and TLC, so he went on to Petland. (I'll refrain from comment on that.) The French Bulldog is still in the hospital being treated for smoke inhalation, but he'll be fine in a couple more days. Today was crazy, but I got a chance to go in and sit with him for awhile. He's a real sweetheart, and I hope and pray he'll get the best forever home possible, especially after such a lousy beginning.