How did I do this?


Staff member
Sar use whatever works.

I use all the settings on my camera, P, Tv, Av, M.

Fot the shot above I used Av because I wanted f/2.8 and was more than happy to have the camera figure out the rest.



Staff member
So it's all pretty much there except for one specific thing: The longer the lens, the better the effect.

Longer lenses have shallower depths of field than shorter lenses. In fact with a wide angle lens, you can have EVERYTHING in focus on a landscape shot from the ground in front of you to the horizon.

By shooting at 200mm, f/2.8, I isolated the birdhouse from the background. This is one of the reasons that fast lenses are desirable. The creamy smoothness of the background is the hallmark of a good lens.

Good job all!
