Hot Springs Show Sept 26-27


New member
Anyone going to this show? I'm going to observe and learn as my girls won't be old enough to participated for a while yet. As a newbie to the show world, I would particularly like to see the pre-show grooming process.


New member
Hey are the lovely young ladies doing? Are you still thinking of heading south for the Brooksville shows?


New member
Hi Sheila, Maia and Lily are doing great, about 50 lbs now and distinct personalities are emerging. Maia's more laid back, mannerly and confident while Lily's more boisterous, headstrong but a bit timid around strangers, much like the PAT indicated they would be. Both are in kindergarten now and their first show & go is Oct. 3rd. I'm still considering the Brooksville cluster but it's a long way to go, especially for the puppy class, but Florida in Jan. is certainly inviting!


New member
Oh my Gosh...growing like weeds! You should post more photos on the blog...or better on NN. Let everyone see your gorgeous gals!