Hips and OFA


Inactive Member
O.k. orginally we thought that Sally's elbows were bad. A more extensive look and it is her right hip that has to have surgery. I am scared for her, because apparently she needs to lose weight now.Sally weighs 121 lbs.The vet wants me to use a Scince Diet Reduce food. I just got her on Canidea with a little Chicken Soup for Dogs formula. I do not plan on changing her back.Her moms hips were fair and dad was good. I feel a little overwhemled with this news.I would love to here from others who have had some expereince.
Because she is so young we have a great chance of attaining excellent results. I teach children with disabilites, and their parents are fine, so
I realize that problems can still happen(Thank you SAR)Just would love some insight and things to look for.Sorry so long! :confused:


New member
How old is she?
has anyone else looked at her xrays?
Fuzzydustbunnies got three opinions on her boy.
it might be a good idea for you also to do that.
Fuzzy where are you?
sometimes if the hip is really not that bad the vets jump the gun on surgery.
if the cradle is great the ball good, and she is subluxed, depending of course, it is possible she can improve with excersise, esp swimming and surgery would not be needed.
many times they go thru periods of subluxation during growth, dependant on each individual


New member
Sorry, got to agree. Get more than one opinion on this from a board certified specialist.

If there's one good hip and one bad hip very seldom seen a dog have to have surgery. I had a girl with one dysplastic hip, kept her in shape and kept her active, and she was still jumping off boats at 7 yrs old and still doing draft at 9 yrs old. I put Linsey on glucosamine when I got her as an older puppy and kept her weight down. Already knew there was a possibility there was going to be a problem but vets all said, even mine down here, when previewed her x-rays, let's let her finish growing and see what's going to happen. They didn't know what her hips were going to do. They had her rated mild to moderately dysplastic as a puppy. Her hips went one fine and one dysplastic.

Cut her food back and put her on an exercise program. Just because she thinks she needs the food doesn't mean she does.

[ 03-30-2005, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: janices ]


New member
Yes, get a couple more opinions. Dogs don't walk on their x-rays. 'New2Newfs/Magsdad' on this list, are doing the exercise and suppliments approach for their Maggie who is dysplastic.

Dogs carry 70 percent of their weight on their fronts, so elbows carry more than hips. Sometimes if they are in a lot of pain, there are no other options, but all other posibilities need to be explored before surgery.



Active member
Bax is moderately dysplastic in one hip. I have been going the route of supplements and exercise. In his case per more than one Vet's recommendation, I increased his protein as he had poor muscle developement even with regular exercise. We are not anticipating surgery on him for a long time if ever hopefully.

I am so sorry for your pup.


New member
Keeping dogs lean is one of the key things (if not the most important thing) owners can do to reduce the chances of osteoarthritis in their pets. Even if you decide not to do with the Science Diet food, keeping your girl lean will help her out in the long run.

I agree with everyone else that you should get a second opinion, if you haven't already. What is seen on x-rays does not always correlate with the severity of signs/symptoms that are seen. Building up muscle mass over the hips can help out a great deal if the problem is caught early enough. Swimming/physical therapy is excellent for this.

Good luck!

[ 03-30-2005, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Kitty ]


Inactive Member
O.k.I love the answers, :( so I want to tell you a little more. She is now 15months old. The reason we went to the vet agian is she could not walk on Sunday.She would sit and attempt to move and let out a newf groan.I looked at the Xray. I wish I could remember all the things said. I bought the Spring time formula for her hips.How do you pick another vet?We do not have alot of newfs in Des Moines.Sorry if I ask so many questions!