Hi from Samson and family


New member
We are the proud Newf doggie parents of Samson, he is 6 months old as of this posting and look forward to sharing and reading about all the information the forum has to offer.

We recently lost one of out other furry children, our Wiemeraner Gray-Cee who was 14 years old. We had her before we had our kids and she did a wonderful job raising them before she passed. We got Sampson over the thanksgiving holiday and she was able to impart some valuable family knowledge and show him the ropes. I feel that she is resting in peace know she has passed the torch to a wonderfully worthy heir.

He is so gently with "his girls" and ever watchful.

We are a RV'ing family so be on the lookout for post related, and if you hit the camp sites, we'll see you on the road.


New member
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and condolences.

We got Gray-cee's ashes and clay paw print back today and we are getting closure now that she is back home with us.

We celebrate her life everyday because we know ours is better because she was in it.


New member
Welcome from Newf Orleans. We look forward to hearing about your adventures on the road with your new addition.