Hello from Georgia


New member
I am a first time Newf owner. I have a beautiful girl whom my daughter named Brizo after the Greek goddess who protected sailors. I've had Brizo since Christmas after my family did much researching to discover what type of dog would fit my personality. I teach urban high school Seniors, and my husband wanted me to have a reason to look forward to coming home and de-stress. Now, I do. I can't see myself owning another type of dog. Brizo is the doggie love of my life. :heart:


New member
Welcome! Your husband is a smart man. Nothing like a Newf to strip away the day's stress. You could never share too many pictures of your love here :)


New member

Here is my favorite picture of her (if I did it right). If not, I have tons at pamray.net until I am at my computer.


Welcome from Montana! Love her name, and the photos at your website are fantastic. What a sweetie!


Active member
Welcome to the world of Newfs, de-stressing I'm not quite sure that's right, guess it depends on your personality.....but if your a worrywart invest in hair dye now.....you could make a fortune ;) (lol)


New member
My favorite is sleeping on her back near her water dish. She's really pretty. My husband wants me to get another one to love as Jordan was my first newfy.