Hello everyone


Inactive Member
Hi I am the proud mommy of a 2 1/2 year old newfie name Murrie and am expecting a baby boy to be named Mikey to come home in two weeks. A newfie pup is a new thing to us, as we saved Murrie from being put down by her former owner (she was unable to have pups so he deemed her worthless) but I'm sure we will learn quickly. We are one excited family. I hope our girl will adjust okay though. Sheehan


New member
Welcome Sheehan!! Congratulations on your new addition!

Your girl will probably be thrilled to have a puppy around. At first she may be taken aback a bit, but puppy will naturally gravitate to her...and most females respond well. Not all, but most. Anyway...if it doesn't happen instantly, it will in time!

The fun is about to begin!! Having a puppy harass and torture a "big dog" is a riot to watch. Just be prepared for what you may see as "roughness". Roughness is natural, as are snarls, growls, barks. That's how they play and communicate their thoughts!

Don't get upset if your female does things you perceive as rough. If you really watch, you can tell the difference between that and "mean" or "angry". Sure, his head may be in her mouth...but as long as she doesn't decapitate him...all is well!

When you can, please post pics of Murrie and of Mikey (when you get him). If you need help, just holler!

[ 04-10-2006, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]

M & M's Mom Linda

New member
Welcome to Newf-net. You are going to love it! You are so lucky to be "expecting" a new Newf...they sure are addicting.
Best of Luck
Linda and Max

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

Glad to see you have joined us here! This is a wonderful place filled with "all things newfie" and then some! Here is a link to a thread, where you can read many of our bios. Please feel free to post a bit about yourself on the same thread!

Also, I've created a "frapper map" which people can add themselves to. That way, we can see "where in the world" we all are!!! We'd love for you to add yourself. Click here if you want to add yourself: to the Newf Net map!
Anyways, here's wishing you a hearty Buckeye "welcome aboard"!