Hello everyone


New member
Im another newbie. I have a 9 week old newf called Lumpkin. Looking forward to speaking to other owners and learning more about the breeds ways and tips as well.

This is my fluffy boy.



New member
Im another newbie. I have a 9 week old newf called Lumpkin. Looking forward to speaking to other owners and learning more about the breeds ways and tips as well.

A familiar face! (assuming your forum name is the same as your pet forums one ;)). How's your new arrival settling in? (he's bloomin' gorgeous btw :))
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Welcome!!! Lumpkin is just too fluffy and adorable....and what a name!
Look forward to hearing lots of puppy tales!
Oh, and keep the photos coming, please :)


New member
Yep Mariek the same catseyes.

It seems that everyone whos in the usa loves the name.. over here its more like.. do what? Its from lord of the rings but only the book not the film, tom bombadils pony was called fatty lumpkin.

I got to chose the breed if hubby chose the name!


New member
Welcome! He's adorable! If I hadn't just read your other post about night time issues, i might have gotten puppy fever from this cute face ;)


New member
Welcome! He's adorable! If I hadn't just read your other post about night time issues, i might have gotten puppy fever from this cute face ;)
the firsty few weeks of puppydom are hard.. i have a health condition and currently a kidney infection whilst hubby works from 5am to 8pm.


New member
Yikes! Good luck! Once everything gets sorted, the joy outweighs the hard parts!
Thank you, of all the dogs we've had he is by far the hardest at night and when being left if i go out to walk my other dog or even just leave the room to have a shower!


New member
Hi and welcome from Maryland! You have come to the right place. Everyone here has been so helpful and kind to me since I joined a year ago.


New member
Hi, from New England too. Lumpkin is adorable. Sorry you're not feeling well just now. I'd say take as many naps as you can when Lumpkin is asleep. He's a handsome little dude.