hand feeding


Inactive Member
Hi everyone-
Can anyone give me some tips on how to hand feed a two week old pup. I have no idea what I am doing and I would hate to lose this pup, from being inexperenced :( . We have been to the vet and he says all looks good thus far. He gave me some great tips. I'm not sure what happened to Mom, as my husband found the pups in box that was set by our trash. Just one of the joys of living in the country, :mad: This was the only pup still alive.
Any hints would be greatly appreaciated.
I am still amaze at the cruelity of people. Just when you think you've seen the worst, there it is again.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Oh my! Poor baby! Pups this age do not eat food and need to be bottle fed if mom isn't around. You will need to get a baby bottle (get the larger nipple) and make this formula for him:

2 large tablespoons of plain yogurt
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 can water
2 egg yolks

I put all this in a blender and feed a few ozs at a time in the bottle every couple of hours. In a week or two you can mash up some soaked kibble and add this formula to the mix.
Good luck with this little guy!

[ 08-11-2006, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: NewfYork ]


New member
I don't have any great tips, but I'm sending along prayers, for the little pup.
God bless you for caring.


New member
Go to the nearest feed mill and get some milk replacement formula. I've got one that can be used for a myriad of animals: dogs, cats, goats.... Vets usually carry it also, but I'm sure you'll pay more there. Try feeding the pup about every 2 hrs. Keep us informed on his/her status.


Inactive Member
Thanks everyone, we are on day eight and still going. He is warm to the touch, and eating, so we'll take that as a positive sign.

angie j

New member
GGGrrrrrr !!!!!! People just TIC me off sometimes!!! Like they can't take the time to drive to the Pound and say. "We found these pups". Geeze. How cold are some people.



Inactive Member
Well we are on day 13 and he is still looking good :D .
The vet said he was a little small
but progressing really well just to keep doing what we are doing.
I on the other hand am lacking a bit of sleep. Now I remember why we thought four kids was enough and my honey and I didn't want anymore babies.

Anyway he moves around so that is hopefull. Now I belive Mom is going to nap before we feed again. I try to get pictures up tommorow.


New member
How old is he now? You can start feeding him some mush mixture at 3 weeks old. They make a mess but it keeps them full longer.

Get some baby rice cereal and mix with your formula mixture...make it medium thin at first (water it down), put on a flat pan (like a cookie sheet with sides) and he'll get the hang of it in a day or so. Over the next few days, make it a little thicker then thicker.

Also...start training him to lap water from a tiny shallow bowl. Be prepared...they learn to drink quickly (some faster than others), but also to walk through it. You'll be changing water incessantly!

After a few days of that, you can start softning puppy chow type food. Soak in water to soften (for about 5 mins) then feed. Don't leave it out for more than 15 minutes tho...it goes bad quickly. I wouldn't worry however..he'll eat it fast.

To help him gain weight...yogurt and/or cottage cheese in between regular meals (as a snack). They LOVE cottage cheese!!

Can't wait for the pics!