Grooming question ? ? ?


New member
What is the best way to thin out around their necks and in front of their back legs ? The MCK ? Louie and Titus both have such thick/long coats around their necks. I tried trimming, poor guys, now they don't want to be seen in public because mom gave em a bad hair cut. :( lol

Just got my new dryer, VERY excited. AirForce Commander 3. Not very good at using the dryer and brushing at them same time, while their trying to run from mom.
I should have a video of grooming time so you all could get a good laugh.


New member
you also can have someone experienced show you how to skim over and shape and thin with a snap on comb, the only time i support the trimming and thinning becouse it is not being done to cover up faults or to give false impression or to create illusion or silhuette, it is being done for comfort, cleanliness and for regular upkeep.
i recently showed erin how i do the snap on comb on the chest and neck and behind the ears, and the back end where the altered animals get yack fur.

[ 07-16-2006, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: sarnewfie ]


New member
When you say, snap on comb, you are using a clipper? Do you go with the direction of the hair ? Thanks Sarnewfie


Inactive Member
Hi Louienewf. Glad to hear that you got a new dryer. Do you have a grooming table and grooming arm? As soon as they are accustomed to being on a table they will more likely stand still for you while you blow them dry and trim. In the summer I like to trim the fur from the neck down to the chest about 1 inch to 1-1/2 inch long--they are cooler and it is much easier to keep clean and dry.


New member
yes, i use a number 2 snap on comb over a fourty blade, and only after they have been blown off completly,and combed out, i do mine sitting on the ground, they are more comfy and so am i, they also stand for the butt area and lay on their backs for the undercarriage wich i use a 7F blade on.