Grooming Bath


New member
HI all-
We are looking for an elavated grooming bath that won't break the bank. Does anyone have any suggestions for a sturdy grooming bath?

Any suggestions would be helpful.



New member
I will be interested to see this as well. I have seen New Breed Dog Baths, but $1900, plus $195 for the ramp is a lot of $$$. I also saw Master Equipment PolyPro Grooming Tub and Master Equipment E-Lift Stainless Steel Tub from Petedge. The former is $799 and the later is $1299. Maybe you could use a wash stand, but depending on where you live that may not be good for winter. Here are some threads about wash stands: Help w/ Wash Stand Plans and Bathing at home tips please (If you scroll down there are some pics).


New member
I am not sure how heavy duty a tub you are looking for, but I love my Booster Bath! I have had it over four years now and it is great. No way I could get down on my knees to bathe them in a regular tub.
They are under 200.00 most everywhere, and I got mine off Ebay with free shipping....
It is a heavy duty plastic, easy to assemble and lightweight so it is easy to move around.


New member
I am not sure how heavy duty a tub you are looking for, but I love my Booster Bath! I have had it over four years now and it is great. No way I could get down on my knees to bathe them in a regular tub.
They are under 200.00 most everywhere, and I got mine off Ebay with free shipping....
It is a heavy duty plastic, easy to assemble and lightweight so it is easy to move around.
My husband saw that one but I was not sure how sturdy it!

Do you have the ramp that goes with it? If not how is it getting in and out of it?


New member
It seems very sturdy...I mean, Gabe isn't huge..only about 135 at his heaviest, but it is plenty sturdy for him even when he turns around in it...
I do not have a ramp, but you can get one that is made for it. Gabriel and Hannah just hop in and step out of it...Sophie puts her front feet up on the back of it and I boost her rear in...She can step down out of it okay.