Good Newf games to play...


New member
I need some doggie game suggestions :) . I have a 3 year old American Bulldog (who might as well still be a year old for all she has matured) and an 8 month old Newf. The AM Bulldog far outstrips Kuai Le (the Newf) in the athletic ability department, but Kuai Le is much much smarter. This leads to big problems when we play fetch and tug of war. Both dogs *love* both games, but Kuai Le gets a little left out when we all try to play together. Liloo (The AM Bulldog) runs faster than Kuai Le and catches both discs and balls in mid air. Kuai Le knows when she is beat and she just looks at me like "!" and then gives up. So I started throwing two balls in different directions, one for each dog...Now Kuai Le gets to a ball, but Liloo just takes it from her and I only get one ball back. If Liloo is inside Kuai Le will happily play fetch as long as I will let her. Tug of war is even worse than fetch. I'd like to find a game that I can play with the dogs when they are both outside, or maybe a game I can play with Kuai Le while I throw the ball for Liloo. :shuffle: Any suggestions?
Snuffles has learned he can not keep up with the smaller faster dogs. If it is a run and chase play, Snuffles knows to wait and ambush the other dog as it comes running by. So he tends not to play much when there are other dogs. Now there are a few he will interact with one on one like Tug of War.

If you have a longer rope toy, you may be able to hold the middle, and do a you against them type tug, where you have the middle, and they have the ends of the rope.
They make some really large rope toys that might be good for having each take an end, and you take a third end.

Of course then the AM bulldog will just learn to nip near the mouth or fingers of the other party and that will be the end of that.

Have you tried a controlled fetch? It's a really good opportunity to work on leave it and sit and a few other basic commands, as one dog fetches, while the other waits.

Not real sure ... unless you bring a large body of water into it, how the Newf could out-maneuver the other dog ;-)


New member
I've been thinking of trying a three way tug, but it would be Kuai Le and me against Liloo...she doesn't try to steal the tug, she wants to pull not be chased, but she does the "snap the neck" head shake thing and its so strong neither myself nor Kuai Le can hold on.

The controlled fetch sounds like a good idea...I have a really hard time getting the dogs not to follow comands in tandum. I can never get just one to come or sit or down...its something we need to work on.


New member
we have (had) that problem here.....and as suggest above the controlled fetch works great.....we have allie and Skyalr sit and stay as we throw, we release Skylar to fetch and let her get close and then release Allie......its a race to the finish but atleast Skylar has a chance and she does get it alot of the time. They love it! its so funny to see the anticipation in their eyes as to when they get to go....and they come running back to do it I would take it they like it.....

Thule's Mom

New member
Snuffles has learned he can not keep up with the smaller faster dogs. If it is a run and chase play, Snuffles knows to wait and ambush the other dog as it comes running by. So he tends not to play much when there are other dogs. Now there are a few he will interact with one on one like Tug of War.

If you have a longer rope toy, you may be able to hold the middle, and do a you against them type tug, where you have the middle, and they have the ends of the rope.
Yep - my Thule is the master of the ambush too. her favourite playmate at the dog park (pre-ruptured CL) was a very tiny, but super fast Jack Russell. Thule just ADORED her, but could never catch her, but she knew enough not to try and catch her, but to ambush her when she came back around. Sigh.... we miss those days!


New member
Ours are ambush masters too! Sadie is much faster than the other two but Ursa can ambush her easily. Fargo like to grab tails to slow the others down - a habit we frown on!