Glucosamine and Chondroitin


New member
I posted this on Newf-L, but I know not all of you are subscribed

Gracie will be 5 in January (the time flies!) and occasionally she seems a bit stiff when waking up. I'd like to get her on a gluco/chond supplement. Favorite brands, dosages ect?
I need to get one of her prescriptions filled so I will ask my vet also.



Inactive Member
Is there any in the food you feed already? The food I feed already has the G&c added - Nutro Natural Choice. I don't add any more on top of that.

Oh, and what is the Newf-L, BTW?


New member
I feed Nutro also, but the amount of gluco/chond is minimal. And who knows about the purity of it.

Newf-L is a Newfoundland email list. Comprised of about 1200 members. Good source of info

You'll find info about it right here on Gads site.
Click on Newf FAQ on the home page.

I also feed Nutro and contacted them about how much was in it. If I remember correctly it was 50mg per cup...which isn't nearly enough. I give glucocamine/chondroitin/msm chewable tablets from in addition.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I use a gluc/Chon complex which includes vit C to help absorbsion. I use the people kind since I think it is purer and is cheaper. My vet suggested this to me. My brand has 1000 mg each of glucosamine and chondroitin.


Inactive Member
I have a rescue newfie who's thought to be between 5 and 8 years old. She has severe hip dysplasia in both hips.

My situation is different from yours in that my dog has had a hard life and has been through numerous health problems. At present she is recovering from malnutrition and has very little muscle mass. You can read her history if you read the postings about my "picky eater." Still, you may be interested in our experience.

When I got her 4 months ago, the rescue folk told me that she wasn't able to sit, but that she could stand up and lie down. When she's standing, her legs trimble. The rescue folk told me that they didn't recommend hip replacement for her, but suggested instead that I concentrate on helping her gain weight and build up her muscles with exercise. At that time she was already receiving monthly injections of Adequan and was taking a white pill (can't think what's it's called). They gave me a supply of the medication. Two months ago when I took her in to the vet for her shot, I asked the vet whether I should get more of the white pills. She suggested changing to Cosequin-DS which is more compatible with the Adequan. She said to give Savannah 1 or 2 capsules a day. Initially, I gave her one capsule a day and I didn't see much difference. Once I started giving her two capsules a day, I did see differences. She has now been able to get up into the back seat of my car without help three times and she sits. I don't ask her to. I use the command "Down" and accept whatever she chooses to do - sit or lie down. More and more often she sits. In addition, she sits on her own.

Before I changed to the Cosequin-DS, I was feeding her the IAMS in the green bag with the glucosamine. I don't think it helped much. I now cook for her because getting her to eat and gain weight is so important to her regaining her health.

It may be premature for you to begin giving her the Cosequin-DS. It is expensive. Still, I'd suggest talking with your vet, if for no other reason than to find out what an appropriate dosage of glucosamine/condroitin would be for your dog.



New member
the cosequin is comparable to the JFlex and GL found at the company above, our vets all three at the clinic i go to, told me to save my money, and stay with this company.


Inactive Member
What do you think about Joint Health by Springtime. I know that you are a big advocate of JFlex and GL by Springtime. I had a lenghty conversation with a Springtime rep, and the Joint Health for dogs/horses has 750 mg of glucosamine, 875 mg of MSM and 325 mg of chondroitin per scoop. The recommended maintenance dose for a 140 lb dog is 2 scoops daily. This product seems to have the 3 main ingredients most sought after for healthy joints and a 5 lb can will last approximately 320 days (give or take).

I used to suppliment Sampson with Dr's Foster and Smith Joint Care, but I have heard such good things about Springtime products that I decided to try it. Sampson has been on the Joint Health for approximately 6 months now and I can not see any difference in his mobility. Of course, he has been on a Glucosamine/Chondroitin suppliment since he was 9 months old. I really hope this stuff helps. Wouldn't be able to tell a difference unless I take him completely off the suppliment and I refuse to do that.

Your thoughts on Joint Health for dogs?

Lisa and Sampson.


New member
since emmett had been injured by one of the girls, yes they torqued his neck anda disk is slightly barely out of alignment, i have used the joint care for him, i highly recomend it, and am currently out of it, though he is getting the other two products i believe the msm is something he needs and is beneficial to him and noticed improvement in him.

try it!

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I think that Glucosamine and Chondroitin are amazing... we have always given it to our Newfs, since Sadie was diagnosed with a mild form of Hip Dysplasia.

Now we have Sailor... who is huge.... not fat, just huge... he was 204 lbs when he came into rescue. We've taken a few pounds off. He occasionally exhibited signs of stiffness... we've increased the amount that we give him, and it seems to have made all the difference.

He now runs and plays... slowly, but that is more a size issue I suspect. ;)