Fun training practice video :)


New member
It was nice outside today so I took Sophie, Lola and Ty outside to work on their "wait". Sophie was not out long since she is in heat. She is only in the video for one recall. The rest is Lola and Ty :) Ty really surprised me how well he heeled off lead since he is just learning this.
We had fun, it was nothing formal, just practice and one on one time with the Newfs. Also at the end you will see Skeeter (rescued 2yr old dachshund and Kitty, our Carolina Dog)

I hope you enjoy the video :) like we enjoyed making it!
It was hard to video them heeling while holding the camera


New member
That was absolutely adorable! You have done a great job with all of them. Best movie I've seen in a long time. I'm still smiling :)


New member
Thanks everyone. Lola was definitely alot of work when we started training her again. Due to Jack getting sick 2 yrs ago (heart) and then his subsequent surgery in Cleveland and recovery...Lola's training was on hold. She went without training in adolescence. We did almost no training from when she was 10 months old until around 14 months old. She was very good at home, but over excited when out. Now at 20 months she is such a lady with very nice manners.... most times :) She still has one more obedience class to complete. It is called Super Advanced and trains DROP and SIT when they are in motion and far away from you among other things. It's really to increase reliability when she is off leash and rather far away. That class does not start until January...the trainer automatically gives the CGC test at the end of that class, but has assured me Lola, Sophie and Ty could all pass now YAY!!


New member
Great job-they all do so well! I'm amazed you were able to direct them and operate the camera at the same time. Thanks for sharing!


New member
Thanks everyone. Lola was definitely alot of work when we started training her again. Due to Jack getting sick 2 yrs ago (heart) and then his subsequent surgery in Cleveland and recovery...Lola's training was on hold. She went without training in adolescence. We did almost no training from when she was 10 months old until around 14 months old. She was very good at home, but over excited when out. Now at 20 months she is such a lady with very nice manners.... most times :)
There may be hope for Obie yet! He's also had a lapse in training over the summer because it was too hot to attend his regular classes. He's now in full-blown stubborn adolescent mode but the welcome weather change has finally come and we're trying to make up the lost ground! You give me hope that he can get back with the program.
Your dogs look great. Thanks for sharing!


New member
I took Ty and Lola to Traverse City today and from the way they behaved you would never know they had any training. I guess they have good days and not so good days. Ty wants to visit every dog that walks by. When I don't let him, he whines as he walks past them, which excites Lola, then she barks, then Ty barks, then Lola gets more excited...and so on. We definitely have to work on Ty with "leave it" when we pass other dogs.
Here they are outside the bakery

R Taft

Active member
Great video, I just love dog training, so much fun. We are very lucky to be able to train amongst so many different dogs every week, so our dogs are very used to seeing lots of dogs. meeting lots of dogs makes even that "boring"