Frozen Water On Properties


New member
I have a question especially for those who live in cold climates and have ponds on their properties ...what, if any, precautions do you take to keep your Newfs off the frozen ponds in the winter to avoid the ice breaking and swallowing them up.

We are looking at some property that has a gigantic pond that is very picturesque but I wonder if a temporary snow fence would need to be erected around it for the early winter/spring to ensure that the dogs are safe from falling through the ice.


New member
We had a neighbor who lost a dog this way last winter and didn't know where the dog had disappeared to until the spring thaw. Very tragic. I'm sure you will get some good suggestions.


New member
Our pond is totally fenced in. I really don't want the dogs to have access to the pond everytime they are outside. They would be wet and smelly 24/7.


New member
Our pond is small, but also fenced in. Do you have any idea how deep this pond is? We recently boarded our dogs with Jeannie (moderator) and she has an excellent set up, whereby some areas are fenced for play, but don't include the pond. It is an expense, however , would be well worth it for safety and grooming issues. Kim


New member
I assume the pond is quite deep as it is being used for geo-thermal heating. I've asked about the depth and I am waiting for a reply. There is also a small trout pond that doesn't look very deep at all on the property but that one is totally fenced in; I assume to protect the fish...LOL I have no idea what we would do with a trout pond...perhaps it could filled in and the area used as a large dog run...that fence looks to be about 8 feet high!!!!

The story that padkins shared is an absolute heartbreaking nightmare come true. The pond is located approximately 200ft. from the back door and although my guys wouldn't have free run of the property without supervision, I keep imagining how horrific it would be to see them romp across the ice in the mist of the zoomies and fall through...the pond is about 2-3 acres in size.
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Super Moderator
We have a boarding facility and there is a pond in the play area. We have the play area fenced in half so we can close off the pond side in the winter months. In the summer the gates are open and the dogs can enjoy the water if they want.


New member
Yeah, I thought the trout could go to the dogs are we are not really trout eaters and have no desire or interest to maintain them...if in fact there is any manitanance involved.

I was thinking if we purchased the property a "snow fence" constructed around the large pond from December to April would do the trick.