FOOD !!!!

Nita O'Dell

Inactive Member
For those of us who do not eat meat or can’t eat it. I will bring every thing to make a large salad. I will do this for Friday, Sat, & Sun. both lunch & diner if you all want. I will also bring Salsa & chips and do cheese & cracker. I just need to know how many would like salad and to ask you if you don’t like French dressing to let me know what you do use.


New member

Shudder. I only eat that during lent. shudder.

Laura (who is gearing up for fish fry season...)


New member
Actually, I was only kidding. Sorry Largo. July is long enough after lent to make fish edible again.....


it is an interesting questions, though. DO we wish to do communal food? box lunches? everyone on their own??



New member
That coffee must be why you are so chipper in the AMs! Ha! See, I'm not a coffee drinker. (Hum...maybe I should start? MIght help.)


Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

You don't need to do a salad for Saturday night, because we're having dinner catered! But a salad for the rest of the time would be great!!!


I'm pretty sure Jeannie has well water!


Super Moderator
I have well water.

I thought maybe for Friday night and Saturday lunch and Sunday we could have cold meat sandwiches, chips and things. This could be a carry in if you want. Friday we could order Pizza!!

Nita you are so good at hospitality would you like to take charge of this?? You can just tell everyone what to bring. :D

Rich is supplying all the paper ware as he works for Dixie. Thank you so much Rich and Shawn!!


New member
Tell us what you want us to bring, and we'll do it. Joe luvs cookin. I can do it, but why when he enjoys it so much
let me know! He makes an awesome Chili, but not too spicy, or we could get real Polish and do Cabbage Rolls? Perogies?, borscht (cold beet soup)
but please let's not go THAT polish! never quite could stomach cold soup

[ 01-21-2004, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Bubba'sMom ]

nice newfie

New member
Ya Nita, This is your chance to tell us where to go and what to do.
Guess somewhere between the airport and Jeannie's I get to go shopping.!!


Super Moderator
The most important thing is to have plenty of junk food.Everything else is just a side issue.Gary

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Ditto what Gary says! I've just gotta make sure there's plenty of ice, so I can have my never ending diet pepsi's.

Gary, you're in charge of the oreos, ok????

Nita O'Dell

Inactive Member
Thank you all for confidence in me doing this. --- Do you want me to coordinate all the menus except for Sat, night? If so I have some questions.

1.What is the menu for Sat night?

2.How many are coming so far adults as will as children

3.How many will be there for lunch on Friday.

4.Do we want a continental breakfast Sat & Sunday

5.What time are we going to get started in the mornings

If this is want you all want I will do a menu for each meal and a sing up sheet to go with it and post it. Then everyone can sign up for what they want to get.
I will put it together and see that it is set out and take care of it from there.

I need to know what kind of refrigeration is available or do I need to bring my large ice chest. Also do we need more that one because of the drinks --- or I have several large buckets like we use at SCNC for drinks we can use them.
How many table are there.

Please get back to me as soon as possible on this ---- thanks

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

As for numbers, we won't know until June. The registration forms haven't been posted yet, so the numbers are definite.

I think Jeannie is cooradinating with the caterer, and so you probably don't need to worry about that. As for the rest, we can give you final numbers when we tally up the registrations.

As for a continental breakfast, that's awfully nice.... but it's a huge undertaking, and you'll be away from home. Plus... this is supposed to be fun for you, and if you get caught up in all the other meals, you won't have time to enjoy yourself!!!

For all of you who don't know.... Nita is the hospitality chair for SCNC, and every time we have an event, works her butt off and stays up all night cooking and preparing continental breakfasts for us.

So, I think dealing with lunch on Saturday would be great! ;) ;) ;) And don't be mad at me... I am just looking out for you!

Nita O'Dell

Inactive Member
Ok I won’t make you sang for your food if you don’t want to. How about just signing up for what you will get./ bring

Nita O'Dell

Inactive Member
Ok I am a lost child again.!!!

Sat night is taken care of --- right ?

If I don’t do a menu and sign up sheet for the other meals how do we know what to bring or is everyone going to take care of them selves?

Like I said I’m a lost child again.