Fish and Bread Diet

Peter Maniate

New member
Elvis has a chicken allergy. I know I've asked about eggs here before and the general consensus was not to try them, but I'd love to get Peter's expert opinion about it.
This is not an area that I am an expert on so I normally recommend that you avoid chicken eggs if your dog is allergic to chickens.

Of course you could try other types of eggs such as duck eggs which are excellent. Don't know where you can get them commercially but if there are farmers in your areas that have ducks, you might be able to purchase them directly from them.


Active member
The bread part is very interesting. My guys are fed raw eggs along with their raw diet. They love the eggs raw, but I have to crack the shell or the two of them look at me like..."Um...How do we get inside??"
OMG, Jane, this is funny: a couple summers ago I had half a carton of expired eggs so I carried them into my woods and put them on top of a big leaf pile carefully, knowing full well racoons, etc, would eat them. Later when I walked the dogs, I noticed they hadn't been eaten yet. My middle dog hung back from us as we went through the woods. Finally I scolded him into following us.

On the way back I found that the little brat had eaten 5 of the 6 eggs! He just bit his way into them and slurped them up. I had no idea dogs liked eggs until that point!

R Taft

Active member
Annabelle is allergic to chicken too we give her duck eggs and she does well with them....