

Inactive Member
Does anyone worry about fertilizer, not neccesarily on your own lawns, but on parks or when you take them for walks, on other people's lawns? I was talking to the vet and she said that it is a concern, I'm wondering about others experiences and if it's really something to worry about and what you do or think about this situation.
That is an excellant question , one that i have never thought about. What did the vet say? I have wondered about this summer when i have to put out weed killer between my new fence and my neighbor fence its less than a foot apart so i cant mow between there. im also wondering if there is a natural formula that would do the job.
Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
Well, she said her neighbors put down some kind of slug food fertilizer (?) unbenownst (sp!) to her but she didn't say whether or not her dogs got sick. She did mention stagnant water and dogs lapping it up and getting sick...4 dogs got brought in after a rainy period with some sort of infection. (don't think that was fertilizer related though.)

[This message has been edited by HPond (edited 02-03-2002).]


Super Moderator
The infection they got from drinking stagnant water probably was Giardia. Sam got that one time--from eating horse poop in a parade. We had traveled to Kansas City to join Heartland of America in the American Royal Parade.(Sam and Sara are rescues from HANC) We were behind the horses and Sam thought all those "treats" were for her.
Vet said that stagnant water will do the same so I am real careful not to let her drink from any source except her water bowl. Sometimes that can be a real challenge.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda
Thats sooooooooo funny 1 The best laugh ive had all day ! I bet its never a dull moment at your house Jeannie!
Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
Some days at the local park the dogs just go crazy borrowing their snouts into the grass and rooting around, eating the dirt and the grass and all that. We're pretty sure it's when they fertalise. We do our best to stop it, but it's pretty hard to stop a Newf around a 'food source', as you know...

None of them have been sick though and this has been going on for years, apparently. I guess it depends on the type of fertiliser.


Inactive Member
OMG!! I love this forum guys and gals. I really, truly do. But, sometimes you all scare the wiz out of me!!

I know it's best to be informed and I've begun a log of information I've gathered on here to research or find sources for (i.e. pure forms of chondroiton, threw out all the rawhides - vet recommended I have one in every room). But now I find myself totally stressing/worrying/wondering about EVERYTHING!!!!

I grew up on a farm in South Louisiana. We always had dogs and well we must've been the luckiest people on earth because ALL of them lived or are now living beyond their average mortality age. (On average 6.5 years beyond) And living on a farm there's plenty of commercial fertilizer around - living in south LA there's PLENTY of stagnate water. Ese loves standing water, especially if it's muddy. I joked about him being a "grit connoisseur". :/ I'm home with him all day and I bring fresh, cold water with me to the park also. But gosh, *wringing hands* ... okay...enough of me freaking out...
I feel like I don't know enough to be a deserving 'parent' to Ese. AHHHHHHH!!!!!
.... okay, sorry, really done.

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808


Inactive Member
From one frantic first-time mom of a Newf to another let me just say I completely understand, Miyax! Give me a computer and I can hold my own but when it comes to my 31 lb., 12 week old baby...I'm a bumbling moron.

Despite all the books, websites, message forums (well, I shouldn't say ALL the message forums since this is the only one I really get involved in), nothing beats having a living, breathing Newfy sharing your home. It seems that the advice changes every week about stuff from food to grooming to exercise due to constant new "studies" performed at those newfangled canine institutions, it all makes me wonder sometimes if I'm not killing my dog.
Feed her rawhide, DON'T feed her rawhide, give her glucosamine, DON'T give her glucosamine, feed her adult food by 5 months, feed her the Big Breed Puppy food til she's a year...it's enough to drive you mad with worry that you're not doing right by your Newf.

I say just use common sense. Fertilizer's bad. Dirty water's bad. Period. You wouldn't eat or drink it, you wouldn't let your kids eat it or drink it...it stands to reason you shouldn't let your Newfy eat it or drink it, either. Healthy meat, veggies, a little fruit, a bath here and there, a little clip & trim, lots of hugs, lots of love, lots of opportunities for your Newfy to be nothing but your beloved dog. Now THAT makes sense.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."

[This message has been edited by Kanela (edited 02-05-2002).]


Super Moderator
You said it perfectly. If you won't...why let your dog. I remember when I use to give riding lessons. So many children were afraid to do some the balancing lessons, but I alway told them I would not make them do anything I would not do myself, I even (bravely) had to show one or two.

As for never a dull moment around our house. NOT with SAM. She is always clowning around in some way or looking for something to get into. She is worse than a 2 year old child. I remember when Sam was 2 I thought "in a couple of years she will grow out of that stage". Now that she is 4....well maybe in a couple of years she will grow out of that stage.

Knowing Sam probably not. All of those who have met Sam know exactly what I mean

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Inactive Member
Miyax, I was thinking the same thing. It's almost a little more worrisome than a child, because they are on all four with their nose to the ground, susceptible to all sorts of stuff. With a toddler, which I have, I'm already on the lookout for stuff and with a getting a Newfy, I'll just have to be on the lookout for new possible hazards.

I've been doing some searching for info re:fertilizer and the summary is: most fertilizers today have low toxicity, however you should wait 24 hours before allowing doggie on the lawn. And if possible, watering the lawn down so the chemicals soak deeper into the soil.

Slug and snail bait, though, are very toxic.


New member
I don't use any type of fertilizer. Why take chances. I just tell everyone that we have an environmentally frienldy lawn.


Inactive Member
I'm not using fertilizer either, but the main concern were areas outside of your control, such as public parks, other people's lawns, etc. I'm sure it's all fine, just have to keep a close eye out.


Inactive Member
Thanks gang! You were very kind about my minor hysterics this morning.
I appreciate it.

- Miyax (Striving to be a good mom!)

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808


Staff member
If you want to rid your garden of slugs, put out saucers of beer. Be careful though, when I was a kid my Saint drank all the beer. Now THAT was an interesting afternoon...



Inactive Member
Has nothing to do with fertilizer, but...when I was a kid my Dad would occasionally let our dog whoop it up with beer and then play Led Zeppelin or CCR and the dog would go NUTS! No, I'm not recommending that for dogs...maybe for humans though...the fridge is calling.=)
