Fenway visited the vets today; I'm stronger than I thought!!


New member
Well today was Fenway's visit to the vets; it was actually the first time to the vets for both of us. My hubby had the pleasure of meeting her for Ortiz. I was so surprised at Fenway, she was SO good!! She got a booster, dewormer, temperature checked (you know where) and her nails clipped. She never flinched, cried, nothing; she even wagged her tail when she got the booster...which I have to say made me smile in just pure amusement. hehe I was more excited to get her weighed! She weights in at 23.8lbs at 13 1/2 weeks. It gave me an extra boost, I can lift over 20lbs!! :dance01: I was told she has round worm, and was also told it's probably from her litter treats...but that's not an issue anymore. Other than that she's fine; in good health and we go back in a month. :)

I did ask her about using advantage on her and how it would affect our cat, Ortiz. Because they play like their long lost siblings; and it worries me that Ortiz might ingest it some how and get sick. But she said it would only lessen the effectiveness of the advantage on Fenway. Is she right?? I've heard stories that because it goes on their skin it can effect other animals; any thoughts? I just wasn't fully satisfied with her answer....and a bit intimidated. *note to self, make sure hubby is with me next time....*


New member
My vet has always recommended frontline as one of the safer topicals out there. And safe for cats... I don't know about Advantage.


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So, after the vets we gave Fenway her breakfast and a little while after she was sick; could that be a reaction to the booster or dewormer that she was given today? I'm just wondering because she's never thrown up before so it's just not a normal thing for her. It was her food that she threw up, it was bits and some whole bits too. And then tonight we went to feed her breakfast again and she wouldn't go near it. I'm thinking she just has an upset tummy from the vets, but I'm not sure.

R Taft

Active member
For myself, because she is only a puppy............I would be back on the phone to the vet.
Vomiting once after all the excitement would be OK, but I would only expect that for a couple of hours.
But I am a little confused by your statement "tonight we went to feed her breakfast again". Does that mean you kept what she did not eat? If it was only kibble that should not mater, but sometimes dogs do not like kept/dried-up food, if it is not like waht they usually get...........Still with a puppy vomiting i would hear alarm bells and check with the vet. It could be a reaction to the wormer, vaccinations and/or flea/tick treatment.
:hugs: for little Fenway and take care.............Ronnie


New member
Oh sorry about the breakfast thing...we call all of her meals 'breakfast'. So I guess the one she threw up would have been her lunch; but good news is that she did eat her dinner. And she's been doing much better; I've been trying to call the vets but I'm having a hard time getting a hold of them. Just to be sure. :)

R Taft

Active member
Oh sorry about the breakfast thing...we call all of her meals 'breakfast'. So I guess the one she threw up would have been her lunch; but good news is that she did eat her dinner. And she's been doing much better; I've been trying to call the vets but I'm having a hard time getting a hold of them. Just to be sure. :)
Well missing only one meal sounds much better...........Glad she is feeling better and eating again


New member
Funny how not eating one meal can worry us. Last week Rogan wouldn't eat his breakfast. I was worried...but carried on. We left for my brother's home which is over 3 hours away. About half way there Rogan vomited (thank goodness for the bedliner in the back and a jug of water...it cleaned up easily). I don't think he at his dinner by fortunately, whatever upset his stomach cleared up by the next morning and he has been fine ever since.

I hope Fenway is better today!
To my knowledge K-9 Advantix is toxic to cats if they come in contact with it. So as long as it had dried and soaked into the dog's skin, it shouldn't be a danger. In theory if the cat goes into the garbage and bats around the applicator and stuff that could also kill the cat.
HOWEVER I would still double check around ... my cat and dogs are not best friends so it's rarely a danger for us. But I do know it is toxic to cats.
We do use K9-Advantix after a long talk about alternatives with my vet. There is a new Advantix coming to market here in the States that does a few more things (more parasite functions) but I don't know if that changed it's toxicity or not.

When you go in for future boosters make sure to ask about what kind of side effects to watch for. :). Enjoy the puppy breath!