

New member
For some odd reason Jackson is afraid of the car. Not once he is in there but just getting in. He has never fallen getting in so I am not sure why. Oh and he is afraid of the dark! He pees and poops on my patio at night because that is where it is lit up by the outside light in the fenced in area! What are your pups afraid of?

Ps my mom has quite the giggle that a dog that will be 140 or so pounds is afraid of the dark!


Active member
Oh heavens he is a baby! He will outgrow these fears....it just shows how intelligent he is that he knows to be cautious! From his perspective imagine how scared he would be if you let him out in the dark ... and when he came back to the door, you weren't there.... how terrifying for a baby to be trapped outside in the dark.

I'd go out with him, let him know the night can be his friend (lots of good sounds and smells out there!)

As for the car? Ben used to be afraid when he was that age. No canine instinct can prepare them for an automobile. Now, unfortunately, Ben barrels his big butt in the car whether I want him in there or not!:grrr:


New member
Bojie was afraid of the car for so long. It was awful. Just like Jackson, he wasnt afraid of it, just never wanted to get in it...I don't know if part of it was that I have an SUV. And I use a ramp for him to get in. A while ago, I think I figured out why. When he was smaller, he used to slide a little off the seat, or not be able to keep himself up on it. As soon as I put the seats flat, and gave him free reign of his bachelor pad in the cargo area, he got a little better, then I took some great advice, and just got him in the car solely to take him to the ice cream shop to get Vanilla frozen yogurt, and then back home. No other stops. A few of those trips, and his fears slowly went away, and now he hops right in:) Other than that, the little guy is fearless! Oh, wait, unless I try to blow dry him with the dryer....he hates it, but I bribe him with roast beef, we're getting there...Maybe I should bring the dryer to the ice cream shop...theres a thought.


New member
Jack is afraid of the wind...not thunder storms...just wind. When it gets really windy out, he becomes velcro dog...and can slobber like a champion newfy!!

Macy, she is afraid of jumping up on the bed. She acts like she wants to be on the bed with me, but she won't jump up (though she has on about 4 occasions when she was younger). And she runs from me if she thinks I'm going to try to help her on the bed. Now, when I can manage to get her on the bed for family snuggles...she LOVES it and has no fears about getting down when snuggles are over.

These dogs and their silly fears...my friend's berner is afraid of feathers. If he sees them on the ground, he gets freaked out. Go figure!


New member
Jeffrey fears stairs. Stairs are evil unnatural things that Newfs should never set paws to. The one step coming into the house is fine. Two steps... pushing it, but do-able.

I've had a trainer come to the house to work with us to no avail. Maybe my fault because I didn't push him when he was a puppy? But Newf puppies shouldn't really be going up & down stairs.

I sleep upstairs. Jeffrey gets lonely around 3am. My other newf & the dane try to stay down with him as much as possible, but they really want to be in the bedroom.

Suggestions anyone?

I've tried bribing with toys, food, the cats. I've tried being stern, I've tried on leash & off... and once, just once, we resorted to forcing (didn't get very far).

First off, getting into the car. In early December, Snuffles appeared to not want to get in the car, do steps, get on his couch, or jump up, and give me a big kiss. All I could figure, is soemthing was bothering him in a muscle/joint used to lift his front end up. Normal day to day movements didn't seem to bother him. Lots of rest and some asprin therapy seems to have him pretty much back where he was.

As far as fear, Snuffles fears things that look like people. My first encounter is described with pictures at http://www.newf.net/Forums/showthread.php?t=56130

But recently on dark fog nights especially if someone has a piled high and deep garbage can at the curb for pickup, he gets parinoid about that. Also, someone down the street had one of those big blow up toy soldier Christmas decorations bobbing in the wind. Talk about pulling back, and barking, and we were across the street, and the display was deep in the front yard.

luvxl k 9

New member
Beau used to also be afraid of the dark. He still doesn't like to go out by himself at night, although he will finally get off the porch just long enough to do his business if one of the other dogs won't go out with him.:!rolling:


New member
Hannah is afraid of the tape measure! If I get it out of the kitchen gadget drawer she runs down the stairs and sits on the landing until I put it away again.
I would like to know how tall she is (I am guessing around 23 inches) but I may never know for sure.
I don't think Gabe and Sophie are afraid of anything. Though Gabe is not overly fond of the dark, he will go out to do his business. He just doesn't get far off the porch!

luvxl k 9

New member
Hannah is afraid of the tape measure! If I get it out of the kitchen gadget drawer she runs down the stairs and sits on the landing until I put it away again.
I would like to know how tall she is (I am guessing around 23 inches) but I may never know for sure.
I don't think Gabe and Sophie are afraid of anything. Though Gabe is not overly fond of the dark, he will go out to do his business. He just doesn't get far off the porch!
Hey Anita, stand next to Hannah with something long and flat like a ruler or screwdriver. Put the object across her shoulders and mark with your finger the spot on your leg where it is touching you. Once done all you have to do is take the tape measurer from the spot on your leg to the floor and Walla, you don't have to get that scary thing anywhere near her.

Sounds like beingg afraid of the dark must run in the family. :!rolling:


Active member
Zeus doesn't like fireworks or guns going off. We live in Williamsburg near the historic area, so fireworks and cannon fire are a little hard to miss, unfortunately.


Super Moderator
Gracie..... Skateboards, she has always been terrified.
Thunder, fortunately very rare here.
Fireworks.....Canadian and American, she can hear them on 4th July in Washington state:crazy:
Any loud noises, that includes shouting at one of the other dogs:run:
Used to be scared of the wind, but that's better now.

Nicholas and Dudley and Sophie aren't scared of anything.

Evan........when he came here he was terrified of small kids. Was not very good when he was being shown and was in the grooming area and all manner of kids wanted to speak to him.:shocker:Took a long time and many treats for kids to touch him.


New member
Bull doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. Now Skylar, she is afraid of the bird cage. Chasing her toy one day she bumped into it and it made a loud sound..... now if I can only attach that sound to the garbage can!


Active member
Sunny, I wonder if it's one of those "they're at that age" things. Abbey hates to be put in the car or truck, but doesn't mind the ride. She also is afraid of the dark but we have a big yard light in the back. She will wait at the door until I turn it on. And....she will bark non-stop at reflections in the glass doors or windows. The reflection is usually her.:run: Funny how her bark drops in pitch to way low when she sees her reflection. She loves the vaccum.
Zeke hates the vaccum and could care less about the dark, and...he is not afraid to show his big sister who is boss. :fce32f95:


New member
Kyra was afraid of the dark for about a week when she was a couple of months old. She got over it pretty quickly. When she was 10 weeks old she was afraid of the power log splitter and the lawn mower. It took her about a week to get over that. She still doesn't like to get into the car unless she thinks we're going to the lake. Oher than those things, I haven't found anything she fears. She loves vacuum cleaners, blow dryers, leaf blowers, spray air cans, and anything else that makes noise and moves air around. She pays absolutely no attention to fireworks, gun shots, thunder or other loud noises. She thinks the meanest most agressive dogs are just trying to play with her and every person only exists to come and talk sweet and play with her.


New member
This thread makesme sigh. Echo is becoming afraid of the threshold of the back door and the kitchen floor in general. She will be 9 in about 6 weeks. She's losing sight in one eye and has cataracts in the other, she's weak in her right front, has a bad right back knee. Old age is a b----. Of course, I know what's coming, and it makes me very sad. :cry: