Elvis the Newf needs a new home! MN


New member
This isn't a rescue situation since they are trying to sell this dog. As much as your breeder is heartbroken they should have something in their contract to stop this and take the dog back themselves.


New member
I think that is in their contact, but financially they don't want to take on another dog at the moment and try and sell him. The economy is taking a toll on everyone!


New member
Yes this economy is taking its toll on everybody but if they can't take the dog back then they should not be breeding. I certainly understand that there are times when things are better than others, but as a breeder who chose to create that puppy, then sell it to this particular home, they knew it was still out there and may need their help at some point. They should have already had a plan of action or an open door for the puppies they produce. That is part of being a responsible breeder. That puppy didn't ask to be in this situation either.

IMO, He needs his breeders help now more than ever.


Active member
I think Susan may have also been alluding to the NN rules, which state that posting dogs for sale is not allowed. Forgive me Susan, if I am wrong.


New member
Sorry, I'm new, posted with too much haste, then was informed of the rules and retracted my post. I guess it's up to the breeders as to what they want to do. They know their financial situation, I don't. Perhaps they had/have a plan in place and they just felt like passing along the info to me. Either way I think their great people and they care a great deal for the pup!