Early spay/neuter


Active member

I think an email with the attached study is a brilliant idea. I think if you clearly and methodically lay out all your worries and the research you've done since you brought Emma home and list the reasons why you want to wait to spay her, how careful you'll be during any heat cycles, and maybe even offer to get a letter from your vet that it's okay to wait, then there's no way the breeder will put up much of a fuss. I wouldn't say what else you've learned about cardio checks or that ALL newfs should wait to be spayed - just that YOU want to wait. Yes, they should learn, but I understand your worries and you don't want to offend her.

I'm not advising you to go against your contract........but we've never had any contact with Elvis' breeder after we brought him home. We had him neutered, but never told them. Never had to send proof. They never called us up and asked. To this day, they would have no idea if we had done it or not.


New member
Thank you Kristen. That post was actually kind of hard for me to write as I had to swallow some pride mixed with guilt that I DIDN'T do the research as thoroughly as I thought I had. Maggie, I honestly don't think the breeder would know whether or not I ever had Emma spayed but my husband is worried that if I don't make contact and get permission to delay the spay, that we will then be in breach of the contract and that the breeder could demand we return Emma to them. I don't think that would happen (and they would have to pry her from my cold dead hands) but Paul is a stickler for following rules.

I really love my girl and just want to be the best advocate for her that I can be.


New member
Selena, my inbox here is full and I don't want to deal with cleaning it out at the moment, but I've seen you on FB before, so I'm going to message you sometime today...so check the "other" folder in your FB messages folder for it later! (swear I'm not a stalker, but I recognized the name on FB immediately)

P.S.: I didn't admit to my newbie mistakes with Mila initially, because of pride and fear, but felt so much better once I finally got it out! :D It was like a weight had been lifted! We know better now and in the future, we'll do better and that's all that matters :hugs: