Ear cleaning problems


New member
I can do almost anything I want to Ella. She can be used as a pillow, I can reach my arm a good distance down her throat, grind her nails, anything I need to brush her anywhere and pull/cut mats, she doesn't mind. But when it comes to ear cleaning... she is a crazy little thing!! She allowed me to put cleaner in her ear only once.. to one ear, when she was a puppy. Since then it has been requiring 2 people.. sometimes a couple of leads tied to the deck outside... so overall I can't blame her too much. A bad experience.. reinforced time and time again by more bad experiences. Maybe its time to switch to dry powder cleaning!! Anyone have success with dry cleaner, or have managed to "rehab" a dog who refuses ear cleaner?


New member
I can totally relate to the ear cleaning problem. We are currently dealing with an ear infection in our 8 year old landseer rescue who hates having his ear touched. He gets snappy if we try and put medicine in his ear. This is a dog who had a bad mouthing problem when he came to us to start with. We have already been working on it, but the infection has made things worse. We have done two things with him.

One, we are doing tons of short positive reinforcement training sessions with his ears. For instance, we touch his ear, praise him, give a treat. Lift his ear flap, praise, treat. Just touch his ear again, praise, treat. And so on. We use hot dog bits as he loves them! He only gets them when we are doing ear training. The point is to get him used to us touching his ear and not have him become mouthy or snappy. That being said, it is a little tricky at the moment as he does have a full blown ear infection and we have to get the medicine in his ear. So we are pushing him harder than we normally would.

Two, we got a muzzle. Not ideal and actually we haven't really used it, but we are working on getting him used to it for the future. We worked with a behaviorist before this for our other rescue and she taught us the proper way to introduce a muzzle to a dog. (We never ended up using it for our little guy, but we still have all the information.) CK has a mouthing problem that is rather extreme so this might not be the route you want to take. It is also a slow process to get a dog used to and to like a muzzle. In his case we needed a safety check for us because of his extreme reaction. We also know we are going to need it when he goes to the vet to get his nails trimmed. But it is very important to make sure you introduce it properly and make it fun and not scary. The dog needs to like wearing it.

That being said, it doesn't sound like you need to go that route and I would really caution about using a muzzle. Try lots of positive reps touching her ear. Get out the bottles or whatever you normally use to clean her ears, but don't actually do it. Pick up the bottle and then give her a treat. Touch the outside of her ear with the bottle and then treat her, ect. Get her used to the sight of them and you just playing and touching her ears. Lots of treats and praise. It will take some time, especially if she already has a bad association with it, but she will eventually learn that ear cleaning means really yummy treats and praise. Hang in there! Things will get better if you consistently practice. I mean, hey, it took 2 1/2 months of everyday training, but we can brush CK now! And we didn't think he would ever get better! :)


New member
Start slow and re-introduce it. They are never going to like it, but it's part of being a newf I guess.

Definitely start with positive association. Also, make sure whatever cleaner you are using is free of alcohols as that will burn if there is any irritation. Also, try warming the solution before you put it in.


New member
Use Zymox products and make sure you warm it before putting it in the ear so it isn't a shock to them. Works great...mine will just lay down and let me do it...try it I highly recommend it.


New member
Thanks guys! I will take your advices and try a bit of ear rehab. I think the cleaner has alcohol in it, will try switching around, and just start wiping with cotton balls and cleaner while we do some ear training! She let's us wipe the ears out we just can't pour anything in the ears.

Thanks again


Active member
I use zymox and its great even though ordering it from across the pond is a bit tricky.
Warm it a bit first though a
or put a load on a cotton pad and then place in the ear ,rub the ear and then the excess drips down into the ear canal