Does your newf plop?


New member
Yes, Zuzu plops. When Zuzu goes from lying "up" (on her tummy) to lying on her side she sometimes smacks her head onto the floor with the most disturbing sound!

Cooper is always elegant, he sloooowly slides down. :)
That funny because schooner does this all the time infact he has woke me up out of a dead sleep with his plop my sons bedroom is below our TV room and he nows when schooner lays down it's loud and he makes a. Grunting noise as well it's as if they are sad or just plain lazy


New member
Ours plops as well, ever since a pup. Until just recently he'd taken to sleeping on our stone hearth. The first time I heard him plop on it I cringed, after awhile I got used it it. His new thing for the past ouple of months is what we call 'helium butt'. He'll lower the first half like he's stretching, sticking his big ole' butt in the air for what seems like forever, before it settles down with the rest of him. I like it as it seems healthier for his joints... Good to know he's not the only plopper out there.
