Did I make the right decision??? (long)


New member
I (think)I have decided not to go back to my "real" job as an interpreter for a deaf student in a public school, to pursue the dream of having my own business. There is a lot to the story. Many changes were happening in the district I worked in. I was a subcontractor and reported to work one day and found out that the district had put my position under union contract. They hadn't bothered to tell me. And to add insult to injury they had taken benefits away from me which ammounted to over $5000. I tried to fight it but to no avail. Everyone is blaming everyone else. Administrators are lying to me, union reps are lying to me..Anyway.. Hubby and I have a business we started 3 years ago. Me bake and sell homemade, all natural dog biscuits. What started as kind of a joke really took off. We now have 2 distributors and are selling in 3 different states. We're not getting rich, but there is so much potential. We are going to be selling online soon and have also picked up a line of VT made dog products. (leashes, collars, cat treats etc) Well, to make a long story short. I gave my notice at school and am going to try to work the business full time. I'm scared to death! My job at school payed very well. Although I know there's potential for the business to do very well, it means a cut in our income for a while. It will be a lifestyle adjustment! I should mention that the school has been calling almost daily asking me to come back. They're trying to straighten out the mess they created. The school year has started but they hired a substitute. Should I stick to my guns and not go back? I'm scared..I just need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing. Hubby supports me either way.


New member
Noone can answer this question except you.

We all have different comfort zones and needs. Some people can work independently and others need to be a part of a team.

If you feel that you can be successful at your business and feel comfortable with the ups and down that come from being a business owner then go for it....

If the uncertainty of what you doing will keep you awake at night with anxiety, then maybe it would be better to go back.

Does the fact that the school keeps calling you to come back mean that you could get back some of what was taken from you ? Did you love your work before you left ?

I'd suggest looking at many sides of the question and then make a decision that you will be comfortable with....



New member
Each person..must weigh and balance..and it is true..look at as many sides to the 'equasion'..as you can think of. I was raised as an indep. sort..thus found it easier..than my peers..to pick my own path. I also have enjoyed the perks of a good income..once in a while..but always found myself migrating back to a job that allowed me to wake up every morning..looking forward to MY choices. I like doing certain art work, I like mentoring one-on-one..and thus..created my own service. For me..public school held back..the type of progress I found myself able to 'help a student achiev.' I live a frugal lifestyle..but every morning..I am eager..to enjoy the scope of what I may wish to do..on that day. I am in control..and, for me..that freedom..has given me wings..which my peers walked away from..for their retirement packages and 'bennys'. Each..must chose..and hugs and good luck..as you sift the possiblities. One thought..given what I read..make/design/innovate..as many of the items as you can. Maintain close control..over your various product. Hire high sch. students if poss., as they have access to shops/labs and can often get extra credit..for 'milling'/fabricating items..for a local business..while they are gaining exp. Just a thought. ina n HB


New member
I have quit my jobs over the years a few times to seek out new horizons.

I left college a few units short to be a firefighter in the Navy (then got hurt) and then went into managing apartments.

I quit managing apartments to go to school for Movie/TV Editing and right before graduation I had a car accident.

Couldn't work for a year then wanted to make some money so just did cat adoptions for a no-kill sanctuary. They started demanding me to work 5-7 day weeks so I left and became a dog trainer. (at the same store I did adoptions and we are all friends still).

Each time I had the tummy queases and was so scared. People who support your decisions are most important and can give you that extra mental ummph when you are not quite sure of yourself.

Maybe not all of my life's decisions have panned out, but the journey to who I am now I would not change.

I started adopting a few dogs and it turned into a rescue group. We are moving to a place that has property to help more out. Getting a business license, exempt status, etc. I never would have thought I would have ended up where I am now, doing almost exactly what I wanted growing up. Go figure LOL

Life has no sure bets.

If you think back on your life later on, will you say "I wish I had... I could have.. I should have.."?

We might not be able to tell you what to do, only you can do that, but we sure as heck can make you think.


New member
Maybe present to the school that you will do it on a part time basis, with flexible hours, til your business picks up more. Since they keep calling, and your still not sure, then go back to the table with your own set of plans, that will make you happy. If they say no, and your not happy with the way things currently are, then don't look back.

I have heard that if you can live for six months to a year on the lesser income, banking the difference, and not touching it, before you quit your current job, then you will make it. Maybe if you try it that way before you totally quit, then you'll be secure in your choice?

Good Luck


New member

You have to make the decision what to do.

We started a company in 1994, when I quit my job. It was unique that both my wife and I worked for the same company managing a regional office. When I quit they closed the office and relocated everything to other offices.

We did have money put away. It was a good thing. After a year our savings was gone and then we were thinking of a loan against my life insurance policies. We never had to do that.

After the first year it got a little easier. Year two was better. By year three we were pulling a pretty good salary and 401K and paid health insurance for us and our employees.

We sold the company in June of 2000. I still work for the company that took us over. In fact I still do the same thing, as many hours, about the same money. However, I don't have to worry about the loans, making sure the money is in the bank for payroll and taxes.

I guess my advice is do a budget, see how much you need to live on. Talk to an accountant. If you are self employed, there are some additional taxes to be paid. I would also look at the cost of health insurance.

The bottom line is do waht makes you happy and makes sense, not what everyone tells you to do. And most of all, don't listen to anyone who says "you can't do that". Good luck to you no matter what you do.


Super Moderator
Susan got it right. Since Gary 'retired' we decided to see if we can make it off my business--me doing the grooming and he helps by washing/drying dogs and taking over the kennel. We have started putting his check (he got one year's severance pay) in the savings each month to see if we can live off the income from my business. So far things are doing great, but summer is my busiest time with boarding. If we fall on hard times we will have about 9 months of his income to fall back on.

Homemade dog treats?? Can you PM me a price list? I usually give each customer (dog) something for Christmas and a bag of home made dog treats my be just the thing!! I usually plan for about 100 gifts. let me know


New member
Good Luck to you! It sounds exciting to have a doggy related business. Also, I know here in Chicago they have interpreter services and many of the offices here see deaf clients in blocks so that may be something that either is available or you could get it going. Either way, have fun with it.