diarrhea causes?


New member
Yesterday I went I got out of the shower I found my living room carpet covered in diarrhea! :shocker: Busa was out in the living room and Jixer in his kennel. So I knew right away it was Busa with the upset tummy. Poor guy had the saddest "I am so sorry face". We started feeding them Wellness dog food a week ago with no issues. He was on Nutro but his poop was not as soild in the evening like I would like so we switch. It seemed to get softer as the day went on. But never diarrhea. So I assume he has a fickle stomach. He has not had any new treats or snacks either. I gave him pumpkin and rice for dinner and breakfast this morning. Dropping a stool sample off at the vets today to check for worms. He is on Trifexis now. I am 99 percent sure he did not get into thing. There is nothing left out in the house for him to get into and he is watched the whole time outside. Except for maybe 2 seconds if I turn my head. So he could of maybe got something then but it would of been grass, dirt, or a stick. He had diarhea again a couple time last night outside. Once in my bedroom floor at 3am while we were asleep. And again this morning. Your probably thinking "why didn't you put him in the kennel?" I would rather clean the carpet (I have a steam cleaner) then bath a poop covered dog. Any thoughts on what it might be? He did go for a swimming sunday in the river. Could he have got a little tummy bug from the water? Could it be a delayed reaction to the food change? He is not acting sick. Still drinking like normal and has a normal appetite. I would love to hear any thoughts.


New member
be sure they check specifically for giardia as it can be difficult to diagnose. Since he was swimming in the water that opens up a whole raft of possibilities.


New member
With the giardia, the parasite has to be in that sample for it to show up positive.


Active member
I'd first rule out parasites, then I'd turn to the food. Food is a gauntlet! Lots of trials and errors to find the correct one. Zeke and Myra are on 2 different foods. Did you make a transition or just went straight into feeding the Wellness? It could also be the heat, yesterday was pretty hot.
The times I have had with Snuffles having more than a episode or two with diarrhea, I am 95% sure it was *different* water than our city water. A course of Flagyl (Metronidazole), fixed him right up as well as hambuger and rice meals.


New member
Yep it's Giardis :( Was hoping it was just the food. Picking up the medicine today. Praying the diarrhea goes away soon.


New member
Was hoping it was just the food
Um. Trust me a lot of time you are better off with parasites! I went through dog food Hell for almost three years with my Sophie. Some of the "old timers" on here will remember. Poor girl did not have a solid stool until she was almost four years old.
Rest his tummy and the meds should start to take hold in just a day or so. Then small meals of bland stuff for awhile.
Hoping poor Busa feels better real soon.
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New member
Um. Trust me a lot of time you are better off with parasites! I went through dog food Hell for almost three years with my Sophie. Some of the "old timers" on here will remember. Poor girl did not have a solid stool until she was almost four years old.
Rest his tummy and the meds should start to take hold in just a day or so. Then small meals of bland stuff for awhile.
Hoping poor Busa feels better real soon.

Thanks! Poor girl :( No normal poops for 3 years. And poor you. I would of gone crazy. Busa feelings fine. He is acting like he feels fine anyway. He is loving life propably. LOL He is getting fused over, extra ice cubes (to prevent dehydration), and he LOVES his pumpkin chicken and rice meals. We bought a window unit for our bedroom to keep him extra cool (we have central AC). Just incase he started to feel bad and need rest without our other pupppy climbing over him and showing toys in his face. Just figured if he didn't feel good extra cold would be a bonus for him. But so far he has been acting normal. It's my boyfriend I feel sorry for. LOL I have been running around like a crazy women. I have been steam cleaning carpets, washing there beds and toys daily, cleaning kenels ect. I am not a clean freak either but in the back of my mind I just know there is a drop of diarrhea some where I missed or didn't get it all off his back side. I want to make sure there is no chance of him or the other puppy getting reinfected.


New member
They are resilient little creatures, these pups. Be careful not to create a monster...He will expect this treatment all the time! Glad to hear he is his usual happy go lucky self.
My poor Sophie was tested for every digestive disorder known to man I think. She is allergic to chicken and most grains, also dairy products.