Devil goes for her ultrasound.....


New member
Devil is ready for her ultrasound. We have an 11:00 appointment tomorrow. I was just fine with it all, not thinking about it till I heard from Nancy today who is nervous and anxious enough for both of us. Now I don't even think I'm going to sleep tonite.

I really don't have a good handle on whether she is or she isn't pregnant. I wobble from the she is side to the she isn't side on a daily basis. Keep your fingers crossed for us....

I'm off to rest my poor headache riddle brain.


New member
The waiting is the killer! hang in there, i now have to wait till monday for xray! LOL
we will be waiting anxiously to see if she is~
some females are hard to read, so stay positive!


New member
She IS !!!!! The vet counted 3 pups, not much, but Devil has always been stingy with her pups anyway. She's set for a C section on October 28th and will be spayed at the same time. Her career will be over ;) .


New member
Well good for you! that is neat!!!!
thanx for letting us know. how big is she getting?did she gain any weight?


New member
Thanks everyone,

Devil hasn't really gained anything I can notice, but she's very well coated and it's difficult to tell. Besides, we're only talking about 3 pups here. They didn't weigh her today, just did the ultrasound and told me when to be back for the xrays. can't believe she'll be delivering in a month. Then the work and the fun begins. At least I know I won't be overwhelmed with just three
and Devil is an excellent, loving mom so that helps lots.

Hubby has to build the whelping box now. We haven't needed one for many years. I have to get Devil's and my bedroom/whelping room all set up so I'm expecting the month to just fly by.

How are the other pregnant girls doing?