Cows Hooves

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I know we have discussed rawhide, but I would like to get opinions on cows hooves. My dogs love them, but I have heard that they splinter. I have never had a problem with either.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
On the advice of Cora's breeder, we have never tried calves hooves or pig's ears. They had a real scare one time and now warn everyone to avoid them. Plus, I've also heard that the smell when they're... um... wet!!!!

And... I don't like pigs ears for another reason.... when we're in Petsmart, they have a big bin of them near the cash registers.... Russell always grabs a couple of them and puts them up to my head and says oink oink. LOL!!!


Super Moderator
I will never again feed pig ears or cow hoofs. Sam choked on one and that did it for me. I tossed the whole bag I had bought at Sam's club.

Annie, I can just see Russell doing that!!!
Never a dull moment!!

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda