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Inactive Member
Hi again:

First, let me reassure you that I am starting puppy kindergarten next Friday....Lucy starts the following week :D I am sure I will get many answers from the trainers. Until then....

I am picking up Lucy Thursday
I got the big ol' crate (w/dividers), etc. What are your suggestions for a) crate training and b) bringing home a new pup in general? I really want us all to get started off on the right foot/paw.


Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
The crate should be divided up so that she only has enough room to turn around. She should be taken outside right before you put her in the crate and immediately when you take her out of the crate. She should sleep in the crate at night and be in there when you are away from the house during the day. You can get her in the crate by throwing in a treat so she will run in after it. You can stop giving water after after 7 or 8 pm and just give ice cubes to quench her thirst.
Talk to your breeder now and find out what kind of dog food she recommends so that you can buy it now and have it ready. The most important thing is to be consistant with your training.
BTW,congratulations on your new pup, Lucy! You must be very excited! There are a lot of experienced newf owners on the board to give you a hand with any questions you encounter. What color is she and how old is she? Take lots of pictures so we can see your new pup. Good luck and get ready for lots of fun.


New member
Lynn is absolutely right. I am new Newf mom and I can't tell you the knowledge on this forum. Everyone is so wonderful and supportive. Good luck with Lucy, I am very excited for you


New member
LOL Patience Linda. Besides I already emailed Rhonda earlier to see if she had the new pup home yet and I haven't heard anything either. So I guess patience isn't one of my virtues either :D ;)

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
She must be busy taking care of her new baby. She will probably get to us when the dust settles, although I'm still waiting for that to happen.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Gotta agree with you guys!!! Inquiring minds want to know. And... changing Ricky Ricardo's (Desi Arnaz) words around.... Luuuuuuucy, are you home???????????????????????? LOL!


New member
Every time I hear the name Lucy, I think about that line in the movie...

"LUUCCCCYYYYY you got some splainin to do"

Now, doesn't that fit newfs ? :D Good choice


Inactive Member
Helloooooooo All!!!!

You were right, I have been quite busy with my new little baby!!! LOTS is going well and some not so well. Let's start with the good:

Lucy is very sweet and adorable (0f course) ;) Also a very quick learner. Since Thursday, she has mastered the steps (up and down), which was no small feat; obeys: "sit", "down", "off" and "no" and comes to her name. :D She is good in the crate and we've not had a crying night....well, I have because when she sleeps she shakes, which rattles the divider in her crate, which wakes ME up, but Lucy is fine and dandy!

Now the bad: even though we take her out very often, she has managed to sneak out of my sight (okay, that part is my fault) and had 4 accidents!!! I am stressed about this. I know it is early, but I do not want this to become a habit. I don't want a stained and smelly house. So, :confused:

I give triple credit to those of you who have more than one at a do y'all do it?

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I would take her out right after she wakes up (even if it's been a nap of 10 minutes), right after she eats.... and many times in between. When you take her out, say something like "go potty" or if you want to be specific "go pee" or "go tinkle"... keep repeating it. When she does potty, act like fireworks on the 4th of July... exclaim with gusto and animation "Good Potty Lucy... Good Potty".

With Cora, we used a special treat.... one that we never used any other time. You can either take it with you outside, or give it to her right when you come in.

Consistancy is key. You've got to pay attention to her all the time. That's why taking her out frequently is proactive!!!


New member
I know I have taken this new puppy thing alittle extreme but I too want it to work out great. I still do not let Maggie out of my sight or my husbands when she is not in her kennal. I have a fifteen foot training leash(had to get for puppy kindergarden) it's really light and i just hall her around with me everywhere I go. She never has gone in her kennal so thats a good thing and the first couple of times I got lazy and wasn't paying attention to her she would pee right next to me. I couldn't scold her because it was my fault and I didn't catch her doing it.(hard to believe but true)also the puppy kindertgaren is great. Helps her get used to being around other dogs and people. Funny story,the first two weeks of class the only other dogs there were toy poodles and a tiny little yorky. Maggie didn't know what to think of them especially because they are so hyper. Like little jumping beans. Our teacher told us that for 35.00 dollars more we could come to any of her classes any time any where for the life of our dog and I think I,m going to do it because it turned into such a fun event and Maggie walks great on a lead and I just highly recommend that to all dog owners. Sorry babbling
good luck,
brenda and maggie