Cl newf in RI


New member
The above two links are for the same dog. New England rescue is at or call 1-855-NEWFIES (639-3437). I believe Cathy is now doing her own, private rescue but not certain about that.
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New member
Duh! I copied and pasted wrong. I believe the one Gillian was talking about is a 1.5 year old male, and Cathy thinks NCNE Rescue may have him. I'm not sure about the female. Poor thing. Yes, Cathy started her own rescue 'A Newfoundland Place'.


New member
Gillian, I believe NCNE rescue was on him fairly quickly. I'm wondering about the three year old girl in CT.


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Turns out the Ellen Fund helped the family of the three year old female get her to a dermatologist and they are keeping her!!!!!!!!!!


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Cathy Derench Now runs "That Nefoundland Place" rescue with a Heart. Contact or (860)742-7488, some times she places dogs for NCNE to Help them. I do some Transportation for her.