checking in


Inactive Member
Our power is still on! We are getting some huge gusts but have not seen the worst of it yet.
Mother nature is rearranging our front yard, already lost one tree. :( Other trees are down as well on our street. I expect we will lose power in the next couple of hours or so.
I'm sure Nancy (bearbearsmom) is being pounded by rain right now. She should be safe in a block building where she is. Bluedog, I hope your ok. It looks like the entire state is being hit.
Stay safe guys!


New member
Thanks for checking in Melissa. I can't imagine how scary it must be down there right now. Hang in there!


New member
I am so glad i popped on to check, take care and be safe guys.
thanx for the update, we are worried about you guys.


New member
Hi everyone !!! We have power, but don't expect it for long. Everyone around us is down, so wanted to check in. The wind is AMAZING !! I sat straight up last night about 2:00 AM, thought for sure the roof was coming off !!! It has been a steady, steady wind and rain since then. 70-85 MPH. Melissa, hold on to your hat friend, cuz she's coming your way and packing a powerful punch. Nancy, I hear Flagler County is getting her too. Look out for tornadoes, as you've got the bad side. Please, my friends, stay inside and bunker down, cut these winds still are amazing !! They got on TV a while ago and told us if we are boarded up, stay boarded up and wait and see what Ivan will do. The heck with that, I'm packin' up and going North !!!!



New member
This board is a it allows for the info. to flow back and forth..across the country..keeping us tied at the heart. Stay well..ina n HB


Active member
Glad you all are OK! Thanks so much for keeping us posted. Continued prayers being sent.


New member
Good news so far...thanks for checking in...

But I'm afraid that the worst is yet to come!! Batten down the hatches for sure! mj


New member
Melissa, thank you for posting!!! All of you Floridians stay safe and inside!!! The news out here says most of the state will continue with the high winds and rain tonight!!!