can I get another newf?


Inactive Member
Hi. It has been two 1/2 months since I rehomed TICA and she is doing well.
for those who don't know me I found it necessary to rehome my newf due to increased aggressiveness towards my Peke. each attack was more damaging than the one previous and they were unprovoked and unpredicable.

Previously I owned a rescue newf, physically and mentally abused and with severe health problems. had him for 5 years, 4 years longer than the vets thought he would servive.

I know some of you are breeders so my question is- knowing my past history would you consider selling me a puppy? that is should I consider approaching local breeders or would I be wasting my time?

thanks, Sunny

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I'm not a breeder, Sunny, but your story showed a lot of compassion and caring for TICA, and I'm sure that is the type of home any breeder would want a pup in. I think you would have better luck with a pup, so keep trying.


New member
Hello! Kind of off topic, I suppose....but your concerns over aggression are interesting. I know there will be individual temperment problems in every breed, but it is especially important to monitor these things in the giant breeds.

In an exercise of complete ignorance which I have no excuse for, I unknowingly contributed to this problem 5 years ago when I purchased a newf puppy from a backyard breeder (oh to know then what I know now!). The parents were pretty aggressive, the pups were unsocialized....but I just didnt know any better. Great price for a cute little newf? Pffft. I put my heart and soul and more money than I could ever dare to recall for a year and a half into working with my dream newf. From the first day of puppy kindergarten where my instructor (a newf owner) stated "you have some serious issues here, I have never seen a newf act like this" I pretty much knew I had made a horrible mistake. I loved that dog so much, he was so intelligent....we finished top of the class in several obedience classes, yet he would completely unprovoked kind of snap for no reason and pretty much come at me growling and snarling, or other people....a pretty spooky thing. I tried professional individual training. I researched every book about alpha positioning, and spent a year sitting on his leash with him in a down position. Eventually I realized this was a biological issue, not a behavioral one. I was able to rehome him after explaining to a retired gentleman that owned and worked with problem dogs exactly what the issues were, I had young children and just couldnt risk it. Obviously the dog was neutered, but I still feel horrible about contributing to the backyard breeder problem through my purchase, and even more sad about not being able to keep the newf I had wanted for so long. Needless to say, I am firmly behind the cause of careful breeding.

I did learn alot from the experience, and became interested in the rescue organizations and we were priviledged to have a wonderful old keeshond that was previously abused as a member of our family for the past couple years. His sight and hearing was going and I did have to put him to sleep this past december after 2 short years, but I have no regrets. Maybe, in a small way, it helped me reconcile the mistake I made with that newf.

We do hope to again have a newf join our family in the near future, and I have applied to the newf rescue to get on a waiting list.....still waiting to hear back. I apologize for the long novel here, I just wanted to say that I know alot of people out there work extremely hard at both ensuring quality breeding practices, and even more importantly.....trying to lessen the damage caused by irresponsible parties through the rescue program. From someone who has experienced both sides.....a heartfelt thank you!


Inactive Member
thanks for your responses especially Misty. I needed to hear that before I approached any local breeders. Everyone keeps telling me it is so unusual to have an aggressive newf so it helps to hear there are other unpredicatable newfs out there. I plan to wait a little longer to get TICA out of my system and then try again.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Hang in there, Sunny. You will get a pup that will fit into your home, soon. I am in a similar situation. If you remember my post from 3/31 ("Mean Newfie"), I adopted an adult newf that came into my home and singled out and bit each one of my labs. She did not stay in my home for long once my son came home from school and she growled at him, too. I was thinking of you that day, since if "my" newf went after three 75 lb. labs, I can imagine how terrifying it was for you and your peke.
I was advised by many that I would have been better off with a pup, and I'm sure you will too.