Best time to ultrasound?


New member
Our ultrasound vet estimates the whelping dates too, but based on the size of the heads. So far she has estimated the whelping dates exactly right every time. But she is The Best :).

Sun Valley

New member
I always ultrasound my girls at 4 weeks from the last breeding. My Vet has missed twice and both times they were small litters. I find my girls tend to carry their puppies up high.

At 4 weeks we can see heart beats and my Vet never shaves their belly. I don't routinely x-ray for a head count as I have never been given the correct number of puppies...seems like they always miss one or two, especially with a big litter.

Lou Ann


New member
Thanks everyone!

This was a specialist that did the untrsound so I think that they could be correct in that she is not breed :-( Its kind of heart breaking when there is so much work going into the breeding itself.

owner handler

New member
There is a repro specialist in that advocates an ultra sound as early as day 23. The reason for this is to try and detech and treat a closed pyo if it develops.