Ben's Hip Surgery


Inactive Member
Just thought I would let you all know that Ben goes in for his hip surgery tomorrow morning... :( Please keep him in your prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. We, the family, are all taking turns wearing Bens towel around our necks so he will have something that smells like us to have with him when he gets up from surgery. That way he will have part of us with him while he is away. Corky to some people but I know all of you would understand.


New member
Massive good thoughts to Ben and the whole family. I hope he has a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.
When Ozzy had his suregeries I slept with his stuffed rottie the night before each one and it went with him to hospital so he had my scent and hopefully comfort with him.
I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow, post an update as soon as you can.


New member
not corky at all
in fact boarding dogs i encourage people to do just that, i also buy from goodwill sheets and extra blankees and i sleep with them before a pup leaves for its forever home so the car ride is not so stressful given that my smell, mom and littermates is on the blankee.

good luck and best wishes, will be watching for an update.
Good thoughts for Ben coming from us. I hope he does wonderfully with his recovery.

I would do the same thing too...I think it's important that they have something familiar with them in an unfamiliar place.


New member
Good thoughts and prayers are going out to Ben, and your family. Please give us an update later in the day, and let us know how he's doing.


New member
We'll be sending our good thoughts your way. I hope Ben comes through with flying colors. And I don't think you're weird for trying to offer comfort when you can't offer hugs. I think it's wonderful!


New member
You bet we understand, in fact that sounds like something I would do too! Good thoughts and hopefully a very speedy recovery!


Inactive Member
Hi everyone, just wanted to let you all know that Ben's surgery went well. He is very medicated tonight and of course staying in at the vets. After he came too after surgery they tried to give him some kibble, but he didn't want any. My vet was eating a sub sandwich and Ben liked the look of that so he shared it with Ben...what a guy!!!! It's good to know his appetitie was good. I will let you know more tomorrow when I hear more. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. (L)