Bee Pollen


New member
Honey and bee pollen are believed to prevent it.
i use pee pollen for overall imune system health, though i am guilty of not giving it all the time LOL
i dont get hotspots on mine, but that may be partially due to the grooming, and keeping dead undercoat out.
they get monthly baths and blow outs


New member
Never tried it...I'm allergic to certain bees so I can't try it myself.

I remember the bee pollen rage of many years ago. I never heard whether it works or not.

I did want to try it way back when, but when my doctor almost had a hissy fit, I didn't. I suppose it's fine, if you're not allergic to bees...


New member
Well, I tried B pollen for Turner's allergies and to boost his immune system. Even "tried" to take it myself...but it tastes like CRAP!! (Supposed to use pollen that is local to your area by the way.) Anyway, I could not tell that it helped any of his allergies. I stopped mainly because I read an article that was given to me by a local beekeeper that bee pollen can help boost a man's, 'em....sexual drive so to speak. Lot of men have started using the bee pollen rather than viagra! No joke! So, Turner definitely does NOT need any help in that I thought I'd best stop giving him that! Ha! :D


New member
What does the honey do for our Newfs?
I know that when I was growing up we used honey from the local bee hives. It was used to help with allergies. If the bees get the pollen from flowers in your area it will prevent allergies for humans. I would assume it would be the same for dogs.
It is usually sold at farm stands during the summer.


New member
"Honey is a must in dog rearing. I keep some in the refrigerator at all times. If anything untoward or traumatic happens with my dogs and one of the dogs goes into shock, I have honey in a hardened form that is easily administered to the dog. About a tablespoon brings around an 80-pound dog almost immediately and the color comes back into his gums.

Honey contains protein, carbohydrates, iron, copper, manganese, silica, chlorine, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, aluminmun, and magnesium, plus Vit B complex, vitamins C, D, and E. It is almost a complete food. Honey should be used in its raw form because heat processing kills the health giving enzymes it contains.

Honey is a wonderful pick-me-up any time your dog gets sick, or if he doesn't want to eat for a while. The enzymes amylase and invertase aid the digestive process, and it acts as a wonderful tonic for a stressed dog." From Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown D.V.M.
[ 05-17-2005, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: New2Newfs ]


Active member
Thank you guys, I use Honey (need to use it more regularly), but was curious about the pollen.