Bava and the pups...


New member
I love it! That is so like what's going on around here w/ Aurora and her babies, as we call them. We have an 18 wk old Aussie and almost 12 wk old Newf that are best of friends. We babygate them in our master bathroom for playtime, and Aurora always jumps in to be w/ them.


New member
Bava wanted in the office because it was thundering. So hubs got his pillow and the puppies were all excited to have A) someone else to ham about with and B) a huge pillow to play on - they like the one we have in the bedroom.

Bava is okay with the pulling on his hair, but he doesn't like it too much when they get to rough-housing. He hung out in there for about 15-20 minutes then went to the bathroom to rest while it was storming :)

He's not a big fan of thunder/storms anymore after we had lightning strike really close by when we were out pooping/peeing them one afternoon. Big boy can move fast when the need arises :)

He's quite patient with them as is Sophie.


New member
That's so cute! And Bava is very patient! I love the end when one decides, well if you're going to sit on my head, I'll chew on you! How old are they? Are the done growing? I've never seen an italian greyhound in person, but they are making our trainer's whippets look big! lol All three are very sweet.


New member
The pups will be 12 weeks old this Friday. Time for their shots which I'm sort of dreading - I'm asking for a TINY needle.

They won't be very big, their dam and sire are on the small side. The one with the most white - Conall is a bit bigger than his brother, Leone. We think he'll take after his uncle who is their dam's littermate. Leone will be petite. They're around 6 lbs now. TINY compared to a Newfie puppy :)