bad news and more bad news


Inactive Member
My newf attacked the Peke again. drew blood in two spots. This has been an ongoing problem and I was so upset I called newf rescue. The peke refuses to go out at night because of previous attacks so I was carrying her past TICA's crate when I hit a piece of ice and fell. I managed to drop the peke in a snow bank and before I could move TICA was on top of her. I couldn't get up off the ice but managed to get a hold of the collar and haul her off for a minute but when I released pressure trying to get up she was able to attack again. I finally got the newf in the house and picked up the peke. she was crying and trembling and it took me a while to calm her down. Outside in the snow with no coat. Now the peke wont go out at all and even if I carry her she won't go just keeps her eyes on the newf till I bring her back in. So now she has started messing in the house. I have had the newf for almost two years so she should know the dog and cats live here.
I was worried about the recent posting about spaying problems as I had an appt to have TICA spayed this week but at least I was prepared and didn't panic when she started throwing up. Still not her self, but is eating a little now.
The other bad news is that I had her hips xrayed while she was in for spaying. The vet said the ball should be 50% in the socket and hers are 25-30%. And there was no space between the upper and lower bones at the knees. No sign of pain now but a worried future. She is 125 lbs and the vet wants her down to 100. She does not look overweight now but does have a food fixation so that is going to be a problem. Guess I will have to go on a diet with her to cut out the treats.
I told newf rescue I couldn't cope with her attacks on my peke and my cat anymore and she should be in a home where she is the only pet or at least with other newf so she wouldn't hurt anyone. Now I don't know what to do what with the medical report. I didn't have the front x-rayed so could be more trouble there.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? This is not my first newf (rescue dog- severe disp. OAS etc died at age 7) and I had a Bernese in between (cancer- also age 7).
I have to have gates and barricades all over to keep everyone separate and I have to provide hidy holes for protection in case TICA attackes.



Inactive Member
Hi Sunny, I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. And glad that your Peke was not seriously hurt. I am sure the experienced owners here will be able to give you some good advice and figure out a solution that works for everyone. What did they say at Newf Rescue? Keep us posted. I'll pray that things get better!


Inactive Member
Sunny, it saddens me that you have to give up your Newf but at least you have the heart to give TICA to a rescue organization where they will take good care of her instead of just dumping her off at a shelter like too many owners.

As for her diet, TICA doesn't have to give up eating less volume, just less protein and fat. Try gradually switching her to a food made for overweight dogs and if you like to feed her treats, perhaps veggies and fruits? Just to name a few things, my little girl loves apple slices dipped with a little low-fat peanut butter, carrots (slightly cooked to soften them up a bit), salt-free popcorn and the wonderful spinach balls that Miyax gave us the recipe for minus the stovetop stuffing and onions. I also reduced the cheese by half what the recipe called for. She just went for her 12-week visit to Doc Spence and he says she's looking fantastic - not an ounce of fat on her. Worth a try?

For TICA's hip dysplasia, honey, that's a tough one but these are my thoughts - please, PLEASE check out her front sockets. TICA deserves to have the best care possible and that won't happen if no one knows the extent of her condition until it's too late. Also, let Newf Rescue know about TICA's hips so they can do the best they can to help you find the proper, caring home for her needs.

I'm truly very sorry to hear your story. TICA, your Peke and your kitty all have the right to a peaceful home - it's such a shame they can't have one together.
Good luck in your decision and please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Super Moderator
I am so sorry to hear of TICA attacking your Pek. It is so unusual for a Newf to attack ANYTHING. Has she always been like this or has she just developed the habit lately?

Be sure to tell rescue everything and I mean everything you know about her. Also be sure to give them her complete medical records. The more they know about TICA the easier it will be for them to place her in a home. Rescue may choose to replace her hips before placing her in a home as most newfs when placed are usually in as good a health as possible.

It is good to keep all newfs on the thin side. Helps with many of their joint problems. Panda has been limping on her left shoulder (it was broken when she was hit by a car as a pup). I took her to the vet and she is about 8 pounds over weight--so she is on a diet. She has started to loose weight and I can tell a difference in her limping already.

Again, I am so sorry to hear about TICA. I am very pleased that you called rescue and didn't have her put to sleep or dropped off at the shelter. They will find her a good single dog home. Please kee us posted and I hope you continue posting here on Newf Net.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Inactive Member
Hi Sunny,

I just wanted to wish you much luck with your most difficult situation.

I agree with Kanela-please consider getting the front sockets checked. 'Better for the rescue service to have a really good idea of what they're dealing with, to provide the best possible home for Tica.

Take care--

Hi , Im sorry your having this problems also. I do Agree with what everyone else has said but im really interested in what Newf Rescue has said too. Keep us posted. I do really think you have a problem here and its not fair to let anopther animal destroy another animal, thats very unusual in a newf. Im sorry again you are experincing this .
Until We Newf Again


New member
I wanted to add my .02 regarding TICA hips. I have had Angus for 8 years now. He came up lame maybe a year after we got him. When he went into the vet for exam and xrays, they xrayed his hips. He has NONE....I mean no sockets for the ball to ride in, in either hip. Angus was a rescue, but we did not know this at the time (not that it would have made a difference.)

Now, Angus is about 11.5 and seems to be fine. He has good days and okey days, but never bad days. On the recommendation of a breeder, Skimeister Kennels, I have him on Glyco-Flex daily. This helps immensely. He still runs around the yard, jumps in the car, and snores when he sleeps. We do not exercise him much, but that does not seem to bother him as long as he can bark at the squirrels.

I feed him regular adult dog food and keep hims weight pretty lean. With his size, he could carry about 150-165, but we keep him about 130. He gets vegetables for treats, straight from the frige, brocilli, parsnips, carrots, celery, apples, what ever he'll eat. He's always had those.

I don't think that having bad hips is necessarily a death sentence. Angus us pretty happy and at the moment is trying to survive having a 13 week puppy aqround the house...Come to think about it...I'm trying to survive having a 13 week puppy around the house.

I can give you more information on Glyco-Flex, if you are interested.



New member
Sunny i am so sorry to read this.
is there someone by you that is reputable behaviorist???
we have here a wonderful guy, that i refer dog aggressive/beahvior problem dogs to, and he can turn around most in just a few sessions, he is not expensive either, call your local kennel club if you have one, and see if they can refer you.
maybe this is something that is simple, that somehow you are missing certain signals that can easily be cured
recently a boxer came to our class, i took her aside as it was dog aggressive and handler aggresive, i referred her to this guy, it took only 4 sessions, and now she is cured from attacking the lady`s cats and other dogs, and has yet to curl her lips at the handler.
i hope you have someone reputable by you that can help.
good luck!


Inactive Member
Sunny, I woke up thinking about TICA and you this morning. There's some great advice here, please let us know what happens.

I would like info on glyco-flex too! Just in case!


New member
Sunny i was thinking again, is the peke in GOOD health?
A lot of times a dog can sense when another is ill or old, it is not uncommon for the elderly to be "hen pecked" by their housemates who are younger, if you look at nature, only the strong survive, most times the oldsters will be picked on or neglected.
not always but more than not.
maybe the newf has some underlying problems such as thyroid. didnt read others posts to see if this was mentioned but....
some instances of aggresion were related to thyroid levels being "off"
maybe see if you can get that tested, normally runs 30$


Super Moderator
I agree with sarnewfie all sorts of health problems can cause behavior changes--even medications. I would get a complete CBC run. If you get a thyroid test I suggest you request the test be sent to Univ of Michigan because they do research on thyroid and can detect even the slighest variance. If you live in the US that is.

Also she could be in pain and you not know it. Samantha has a drive that will not stop her even when we know she is hurting. One time she got an infection in her front paws and she still played as usual. I did notice her liking her paws, but that was not unusual. Until one day I looked in her pads and they were raw!! I felt like a bad mommy for not checking right away. Now looking in the pads of the paws is a weekly thing along with ears and bathing.

Please keep us informed

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Inactive Member
Oh, I'm so sorry for you. But I agree with the other here, check her up.

My two newf have had some fight to. And it's very tough and difficult when it happens.

But those times when it have happen, it has been because of 1: Don was not feeling well (We found out later) and he was irritated and had fever. 2: Jealousy over a toy

They really love eachother, but sometimes this things happen.

I wish you luck what ever you decide to do!
