Anyone ever tried this on a dysplastic puppy


New member
From the link provided above...

Success of the JPS procedure

If the procedure is done at 4 months of age there is a much greater chance that it will prevent significant development of arthritis of the hips

Research has shown that this procedure is about 95% successful

Potential complications

Failure of the pubic growth center to be successfully ablated by the cauterization surgery, thus the pelvis grows as it would naturally and the hip dysplasia progresses...........

....................Damage to the urethra or tube where urine passes to the outside; this complication is rare in the hands of a surgeon aware of the pertinent anatomy
Mild narrowing of the pelvic canal will occur follow JPS surgery; this will cause no problems, other than with birthing pups; these dogs should be spayed as hip dysplasia is an inheritable disease
These statements alone would stop me from even considering this.

The biggest being the first one....At 4 months of age, a giant breed dog has far too much growth ahead to be diagnosed without a doubt with HD. They are showing a 95% success rate, but they need to prove how they can be sure these puppies needed this in the first place.



New member
I did see the complications. Anyone who wants to do this does need to investigate further by all means.
This came across on Showdog-L and I had never heard of it. I thought I would just pass it on.