Any tips to teach "paws off" ?


Our year old rescue golden has a few behavior issues we are working on - one of which is he is all paws - scratching, demanding, and lots of pawing for attention. We are correcting the behavior each time but he's a slow learner. Just wondering if anyone has a good tip to help him understand better? Tink went through the pawing stage too and eventually stopped after consistent correction so maybe we just have to keep at it. Sorry if this topic has been addressed - I tried to search it and couldn't find anything. Thanks!


New member
When Mila began pawing for attention, I would immediately and wordlessly get up and walk away. Immediately. She quickly learned that pawing for attention was a quick way to get none. Worked like a charm!


New member
When Thor gets playful he throws up his paws a lot. I tell him no and off, but it does not always work so great. We are working on this as well.