Any ideas


New member
Trying to teach Thunder to use the ramp to get in the Explorer. Started by putting it flat on the ground and having him walk back and forth. That' fine. Inclined it to the height of 1 cinder block and repeat. Also fine. Incline to 2 cinder blocks and he will do it once and that's it. Seems totally unfood motivated, not for liver treats, or hot dogs or peanut butter. Brought it into the house and set it on top of the bed base (box spring height). Walked one time each day.

He's never played with toys so prospect of a game won't help.

Need some ideas, I really prefer to get him in via the ramp rather than him scrambling over the seats. Terrified he will tear a ligament


New member
I know you said he's not food motivated, but what if you put a bowl full of food on it to get used to it? And maybe slowly worked your way up it with the bowl somehow? OK, maybe that won't work, but ....


New member
I taught my boy at age 5 how to use stairs. I had a new vehicle that was too high for him to enter. Thankfully, my guy is VERY food motivated, but liver drenched in chicken broth can be very motivating when/if he misses a meal or two. Just sayin'......:icon_knuddel: Good luck, this can be very tricky as they get older (like us) and more set in their ways. sigh........


New member
Have you inclined it into the Explorer? We have a Pet Ramp for Bo and did the flat, then the slight incline with him. He got bored using it on a slight incline and didn't want to do it, so we went straight to the trunk of the car, had someone get inside the car and call him to 'come' or 'let's go' and he, hesitantly the first time, went in. The reward was getting in the car to go for a ride (to dog park, walk, etc.) Once he figured out that it wasn't scary to use the ramp and he would get to go somewhere fun, he started running up it. If Thunder already likes the car, putting the ramp into the car might be all the incentive you need.


New member
Awaiting solutions too. Gracie is over 8 now and I don't like her jumping in and out of the new Grand's much higher than the previous one. She'll exit on the ramp from the tailgate, but refuses to go up it. I've done the on the floor, gradually up a couple of steps, like Emmie Lou has done too, but she totally balks when it comes to getting into the car on it.


New member
Get him to follow a dog that will do it. When he does do the ramp into the car, shut the door and take him for ice cream...


New member
How I wish, but he sees himself as the leader. Doesn't follow anyone. No help that everytime we leave I say "you're in charge Thunder, keep them in line". LOL


New member
I had to teach my guy to get into the car and go up stairs when he first came home. Nothing but gentle, consistent pressure get him to move, he would totally plant his feet and refuse to budge. I climbed into the car and sat in there with cookies and the leash. I applied firm tension on a slip lead and just waited. I didn't try to pull him into the car, I just preventing him from doing anything else and waited for him to get into the car, then he got cookies and a very happy mama. Same thing with the stars, I'd have to sit and hang out for a while before he'd decide to move, then reward like the dickens when he did. Worked for us, we did both in about 3 days, no more issues with either.


New member
What about peanut butter? If it makes Bojie jump in the water to save the jar, maybe you could put some peanut butter in the vehicle with the only access being the ramp? Just a thought! :uhoh2: