
New member
The PONC water test was an extremely successful one with lots of great dogs and many new titles! Huge thanks to the club for putting on a great test and for the amazing stewards who really gave their all to help out the dogs and exhibitors. Big brag for my pups....Bella earned her WRD!!! She was perfect and gave a flawless beautiful performance to finally earn that title! So incredible proud of her. Mojo was entered as a requalifier on Friday and Sunday and he requalified both days with beautiful spirited performances to earn his WRD3 and move closer to his working achievement award. I was so impressed with the way he worked and the judges were extremely complimentary of him!! So fun to see this great breed do what they were bred to do and so proud of my pups!!


New member
Wooohooo!!! So happy for you guys! I think the next WRD should be earned in Colorado! For both pups;)


New member
PONC is one of my favorite water test sites! They do an awesome job. Congratulations to the new WRD titlist!!!! Give Miss Bella a hug from us. And congratulations to Mojo too! There's always a sense of accomplishment when they can repeatedly do these exercises flawlessly!!!! Give the big boy a hug from us too!!!
You guys make a great team!!!!


New member
They were awesome performances!!!! :) Congratulations again, what a great weekend! Go Bella & Mojo!!!!! We're very proud of you guys!!!!