Amazing photos of the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

Sue M.

New member
Wow... amazing photos. I can't imagine what the reality of being there amidst all that is really like. It's got to be scary.


New member
I have been following the ash-drifting maps and my heart goes out to all..but the animal die off..will be sporatic..but grow, and I know how much like hell it will see some human family..and then..the farm animals, wild foxes..and all who have no actual ways of being protected illnesses..given the magnitude of ash in those areas. I have always watched..and in 72 years..only one mountain sent ash and death..across this Northwest of ours in america..but..we have other semi-active volcanic cones here..and thus..earthquakes will send ash up and into the central and eastern portions of the state, whenever we have a big one. The strong westward winds will..usually give us ..'cover' a cost to those inland. Hugs..and continue..fighting the good fight, ina n HB n Kesa


Super Moderator
Wonderful photography of nature, but my heart goes out to all living close by, the people, the animals with all that ash.


New member
Amazing phots, we all need to be very grateful for the good things we have. This could be any of us at any time. Perhaps not a volcano but some other disaster of like proportions.


New member
What Stunning pictures! There are several there I would love to have large framed prints of.
It is a shame such beauty comes from such a destructive force.

Mrs Beblo

New member
Those pictures are amazing! ~ But as a Travel Agent, I must request that someone find a Virgin & throw her into the next one please...
Those pictures are amazing! ~ But as a Travel Agent, I must request that someone find a Virgin & throw her into the next one please...
Sorry - Hard to find one in Iceland, So you might have to bring one with you :whistling:

Thanfully It's seems like the volcanic activities are lessening so life might get back to normal soon.