Aaaaaaaah! Teenagers!


New member
Thanks everyone for all of those nice comments on the photos...Now here's the other side of the story :rolleyes:

Ever feel like you've lost control? Most of you know...I work full time, have two little ones and Moya. Needless to say things can get crazy at times. Moya is now 7 months and I assume deep into the wacko teenage thing. When does this end? Cuz I'm ready for it to be over right now

Moya is pretty good with the house breaking right now but we have setbacks. She lets me know when she needs to go out but if I don't notice her efforts she just lets it go right in front of me. First question...At 7 months should this be happening or is she just being stubborn?

I came home from shopping this evening and my husband informed me that Moya went nutty upstairs because he forgot to lock the gate so she couldn't get up there. He said she got into the garbages and pulled a box of gifts off the top of her crate (no doubt to get into the MnMs that were in there. Well, it turned out to be more than that...She peed on my bed!

She Continues to be obsessed with the kitchen garbage. We started putting a cloth soaked in hot sauce in there to deter her and it worked. But the minute it's not there she is right back into the garbage! No matter how much ignoring I do, she continues to jump up to greet people when she is excited. STUBBORN STUBBORN STUBBORN!

I am so frustrated! I haven't been able to get to the training school yet but absolutely plan on it. I have time over Xmas break. Is school really going to cure all of this or is it just the stage she is going through? Or is it that I just have a really stubborn girl?

Sorry for the length of this post. I just hit my limit today. Hormones don't help either :rolleyes:

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I know how frustrating it can be at times as I have some of the same problems sometimes. The training classes will help, but I find the best thing to do is to remove the temptation. I have my garbage under the sink so the door is closed. Waste baskets I empty frequently or put away. Make sure she has toys to play with and things to chew on to distract her. She is at that age, though, that this behavior is not uncommon. As to when they grow out of it, hopefully I can let you know soon.


New member
I can relate completely! Maggie is 9 and a half months now and is still quite ....naughty. She is always into something. She doesn't however chew on anything, but I keep her in a steady supply of bones to keep her occupied. Her newest trick is to go out to the potty and not go :confused: . If she hears anything or smells anything, she doesn't go. I worry so much that she may go in the house if I can't get her to go. I work at such an early hour and my hubby works the second shift . I like to get her to go before I leave. This morning as a matter of fact, I had her out and seen her ball and went to pick it up. We were walking out front and I thought, huh I'll throw this a bit and maybe she'll go pee at least. Well I had her on a leash ,as to get her in quicker, and I threw the ball :eek: While I was up in the air, I was wondering how much it was going to hurt when I hit the ground. It was all my fault. I was in such a hurry that I forgot I had her leash around my wrist. Warning: don't try it :D As I lie there on the ground she came over to me to see what happened. I hurt my hand and my knee and I think maybe a little whiplash! Anyways, it's always something here too. I did speak to a friend of mine who also has a newfy and she said her dog just started settling down and she is almost
2. I keep the garbage away from her..anything to tempt her while i'm not around, I put up.
Hang in there
Brenda(the wounded one)

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Yep.... Kira does this frequently.... and it's usually when we're in a hurry... she is so easily distracted.

Cora and Sailor go out and do there business right away. Then they just mill around, sniffing, smelling.... doing the newfy thing!

As for accidents indoors, well, we've gone down this road with Kira. She gives very clear signals. If we don't pay attention, or react, then she has an accident. I believe that we are to blame. She is only to blame if she doesn't give us a signal.

Consistancy is the key. Hang in there... it will get better! :D


New member
I urge all of u to take your girls in first to get their private area checked to make sure there is not blockage that is making the pee pool, that explains not making it out the door.
if they do have that flap of skin in the private area all they do is break thru it, and you will notice instant control of pee.
i also would caution those who have their dog pee on the bed to get the kidneys checked just to be positive sure that nothing is wrong.
UTI comes to mind also.
one of my pups had one, kept having accidants i urged the mom to PLEASE check her for UTI well Finally she took her in, and yup it was a raving one. she has not had any accidants since.


New member
Bear will be 11 months old on the 29th of this month and he is still naughty (and that's putting it lightly !) Like was said, I try and move the temptations !! The garbage is in the cupboard, the bedroom door is closed, etc., etc. Just when I think I can trust him he shows me that he is still not ready. I have my kitchen gated and that is where he stays most of the time when no eyes are there to watch what he is doing.

The most MADDENING thing with him is that when he has an accident in the house he runs ALL OVER peeing as he goes. I totally take the blame for this though because he is really good about going outside and will go right away when let out. I think when I miss his signals and he starts to go in the house, he knows he really shouldn't and gets panicky and starts running all over - and I mean all over. There is a giant pee trail and I get OVER THE TOP !!

Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day !!! When he's good, he's very, very good, but .... you know the rest !! Our new baby comes tomorrow, so here we go again.

Nancy, Bear and Bumper


Inactive Member
I think it gets better at 2. (sorry guys if that's a while away). Rory was ok at one...but much better at 2. Before 1, she was a hopeless nutbag. :eek: She turned 2 in October and has calmed down, is more mature. Still acts fun and stupid sometimes but on the whole, is pretty lovely.

Accidents - well, as a lot of you have heard, Rory was not fully 100% housetrained until she was 8 months. LOTS and LOTS of accidents prior to that. I thought she would NEVER be trained. BUT, as sar poined out, if it is going on too long - get them checked out. Rory turned out to have a congenital incontinence problem. She has bladder control in the in, she gets up and goes out to pee...but also leaks. :(Anyway, my point is, that really set her back some, I think, in the toilet training stakes. She also had a UTI for a couple of days as a puppy and I believe that really messed her mind up in relation to housetraining). But it's all good now, except for the leaking. We are working towards that.

As for wrecking things...Rory was never a major player in that area, but she was a TOTAL thief. Undies, cigarette packets, clothes, toys, anything. Now she doesn't do that so much. Well, still occasionally. But she always makes sure we know what she's taken, so we can chase her for it. (She loves to be chased).

Don't worry Damian, I remember I was convinced I'd made a BIG mistake on some days when Rory was young. But it DOES get better, I PROMISE!!!! Cross my heart.

PS - School helped in a major way! She just had a better behaviour all round.


New member
Amy - Isn't that funny. Bear will take his own toys and go lay down and chew and be content, but when he takes something he knows doesn't belong to him he will go and stand behind our recliner chair and just urge us to chase after him for it. He knows what is his and what is not. Oh well, as I always say - YOU GOTTA LOVE EM !!

Nancy, Bear and Bumper


New member
Do I really have to wait until she is 2 years old?!!!! I might go nutty by then! :eek:

This doesn't sound like a UTI to me...But I cna't figure out why she would have peed on the bed. She did do this one other time in the past on my daughter's bed but that was months ago. Thankfully we have covers on the mattresses. Interesting side note...I have always had difficulty putting a bed in her crate (anything fabric really). She tends to pee on it. But if I put nothing in there it's really a rarity that she goes in there. Weird. :confused:

I really do love my girl but sometimes she drives me absolutely bonkers...Like right now. We're trying to get Olivia into going to bed and Moya is standing on top of her and looking at her between her front legs waiting for Olivia to play. Actually that is really sweet.
She is starting to do that to Liam, too, now that he is crawling all over.

Just glad that all this is normal. Now try to convince my husband of that.


New member
When Morgan was about 18 mo. it was like someone hit a switch and she suddenly turned into an amazingly well behaved young lady. She still has an occasional "moment" like an incident with a pot roast which is a whole other post.
But for the most part she "went good" on us at about 18 mo. So we decided to get Quark. He'll be 2 in May and we're still waiting for the switch to flip for him. He's all puppy. All 130 pounds of puppy. With a love for running shoes. Doesn't touch any other kind. Just running shoes. And only when nobody's looking. He's not only a little devil, he's a smart little devil.


[ 12-19-2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: kzdz ]


New member
It's wonderful to be able to read all these experiences. We were forwarned and everything was described to us that our boy would probably go through the adolescent stage. And, yep, it's here. On some days it's like we never trained him.

But, it sure is nice to know that other Newfies go through the same thing. Now, I wonder how long this stage lasts! :rolleyes:


Inactive Member
Dh and I were wondering the same darn thing. Elle is about 7 1/2 months now and is miss "hell" child. We love her and thank heavens newfs are so cute....! She is very loving and has the most amazing expressions, but at the same time she can be so naugthy. She is very well house-trained,is very regular. The only time she has an accident is if we don't read her signals, which she clearly gives. We can't wait until we can afford a fence, because a doggie door we will get! Elle and Cleo would love it. Well, glad to know that the teenage naughties do pass!