A Set-Back for Gunny


New member
That's one handsome boy...although he does seem to be workin the pitiful;) My guys are jealous, the only e-collars they've gotten are the ugly, clear plastic ones.


New member
Ah.......what a sad looking fellow. Sure hope he starts feeling better. Good news on the bodily functions!!! That's always a good sign.


New member
Gunny is home after his second surgery. He had more stitches put in. He is now in the "cone" collar. We are calling it the cone of shame. I have to try and laugh otherwise......
I now have to put his dry food that is first soaked in water in a blender and feed it to him. It has the consistency of a really loose applesauce. What a mess that makes. I'll post some pictures of his new look although I have to say he looked better in the halo.


New member
Ah, the cone of shame. Can't say that I miss it, and I don't think any of my dogs do either. :wave: