A Letter from the Year 2070

R Taft

Active member
:shocker: very scary......having lived in a drought for the last ten years, in an area that had no drought before


New member
Talk about disgusting scare tactics.....geesh.. There is no real proof that we are even into climate change...just the normal earth cycling...granted , we should do all we can to be green no matter...but this takes it a bit far. Did the White House make this video ? I can guarantee you they will be cool and have water...! I was told a while back that we should not worry about the oil, because the US has 85% of the world water supply...I just don't believe this bunk.....it is a scare tactic to get the bill thru...(Cap and Trade) yea, lets tax cow farts....how crazy is that. an actual suggestion... We are going to doom oursleves with all this...It is crazyness...!


New member
Was that part of the Infomercial last night? I missed it.

I'm still calling Congressmen/women to vote NO on Cap N Trade (Waxman Markey Bill)...vote is TOMORROW! (And they're discussing Michael Jackson on TV all night long. His death is very sad...and so is Farrah's, but we have urgent pressing matters that need to be discussed now...like CALL YOUR CONGRESS person...and tell them to vote NO)

If you want to see some good videos tho...watch MTV...blast from the past...Michael Jackson at his best.

Here's a link to ALL OF YOUR representative's phone numbers...good luck getting through. Ours are impossible...mailboxes FULL! Keep trying!



Active member
You know Julie and Donna, this was not a political post about any bill before Congress and how it is they are going to vote or not vote on it. This is a slide show being shared around the globe about climate change and about pollution and waste. As people living on this planet, citizens, consumers, workers, business owners, industry leaders, we don't have to wait for some government to pass a law or not, to take personal responsibility for our actions and habits to live in a better environment now and leave a better environment for future generations of humans and animals.

Is everything political with you all? How about what is simply the right thing. If you all do not believe in the human cause to climate change and environmental degradation. Tell that to the people of Madison county Illinois who have an 1100 in a million chance of getting cancer from environmental causes verses the rest of the country whose chance is 30 in a million. Or any place else in the world suffering, human, animal, or environment from human bad habits and bad practices. Do you really believe it is just a made up hoax to tax you or take your freedoms away? Are you for real? We don't have to wait for congress or some other government for the rest of us to start doing the right things. Although we will need a law for those individuals and industries that simply don't give a damn.
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New member
The environmental degradation you refer to has nothing to do with climate change...and yes, everyone should respect the planet.....But to say we will thow our cloths away because we cannot wash them and shave our heads because we cannot wash our hair..is..a little over the top....and is pure scare tactics...and yes, I absolutely think it was a politically motivated piece...and you know it is too...is it possible that you support CapNtrade ? None of my business of course, but you do seem to like the administrations proposals.


New member
Remember studying Mathus is school? The "we will wipe ourselves out" school of thought has been around a very long time and we are still here. I suspect we will continue to be, at least long past 2070. And, the longer we are around, the greater number of people worldwide who live in better conditions. Progress is uneven I grant you but progress is made.

As an aside, it has always been my theory that in the future (time span unknown) space will serve as the outlet for excess population much the way the New World did from roughly 1500 on.


New member
Rona, I disagree...it's all about "climate change and global warming" which IS a political position at the moment. That's why there's a bill being voted on TODAY. And your timing for posting this, it appears, was "considered" ... given the circumstances in Washington.

Doing the "right thing" is a matter of opinion...within the scientific community, as well.

There are things that need to be done, I agree. Who wouldn't? But this post is just a bit too coincidental for me not to think it was politically motivated. Of course, that's just me.......
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New member
:!rolling:playing devil's advocate here.:devil3:...but couldn't it be said that climate change has been occurring since the day the glaciers retreated at the end of the ice age?:kgo_027:
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Active member
Sherry you're welcome. Thanks for taking a look. What a difference we could make to the human contribution, if we all made changes to our individual habits.

Actually Donna I was going to post this a few days ago, but forgot about it. And I was not aware congress was voting on a climate bill today. Been really busy and just hadn't thought about it. So, no, the post was not politically motivated. Some posts in this vain are just about the human condition rather than politicians.


New member
Rona, you said in an earlier post that "some people who won't comply have to be forced" That is why the conclusion. It seems to me that ultra liberals like to use the soft "Oh, I didn't know" approach...besides, I am still not over being called a lier.. as I said , a term that originated as a banter during the campeign.. I didn't like it then either.. a lie is a Lie....opinions are not lies, except when called them by the person with another opinion, and made to be one by title only.