2011 Christmas Parade


New member
Every year our club participates in the Grand Rapids Christmas parade. One of our club members who is a very talented photographer took these pictures.

Here is Henry ready to greet the kids! He loves these parades. We didn't do a cart because we had three pups with us.

Glory and Truman are ready to go too!

My pretty girl. This will probably be her last parade. We walk for a mile on concrete. She did really good but was a little sore afterwards.

Here is a group picture of the members of our club that participated in the parade. That black rug in the front is Truman. He was wiped out after the walk and greeting all those kids!!!!


Active member
Tell your friend that they are some of the better Christmas Parade pictures that I have seen. And I have seen a LOT of pictures of Newfs in Christmas parades.


New member
Thank you! It's one of our favorite things to do every year. The children's reaction to seeing a whole herd of newfies coming down the street is priceless.