11 years old & spay


New member
Our Hershey girl is now 11 years old and recently finished her heat cycle. She ended up with a UTI and the vet put her on antibiotics of 1500 mgs twice a day. She also wants to do an immediate spay on her. To remind you all we adopted her after her breeder could no longer breed her at the age of 8...when we went to have her spayed she couldn't tolerate the anesthesia. Last year she did have to undergo a surgery to have several bad teeth removed and did well. If it wasn't a good idea at age 8 why would we risk this at age 11????? Am I missing the obvious or are these vets crazy?


Super Moderator
I agree with Angela. Why risk it. At 11 years you probably have 2-3 years left with her (hopefully more) so that is 4-6 heat cycles. Antibiotics are far safer than surgery. Typically, the anesthesia
is deeper for a spay than teeth cleaning.