Recent content by Bill382

  1. Bill382

    I'm a Newfie

    The other day, I was listening to the Irish folk song "I'm a Rover." Somehow I found that the lyrics in that song could easily relate to a Newf, as well as a human. Below are the new lyrics that I wrote for the song. Here is "I'm a Newfie." Enjoy! I'm a Newfie, always poofie, I'm a...
  2. Bill382


    Today, I learned that a young lady I had my eyes on as a potential partner has a new boyfriend... and he's not me. Frustrating, sure, but also a painfully familiar scenario. Having grown up with Asperger's Syndrome, relationships are (for me) one of life's greatest mysteries. I remember my...
  3. Bill382

    Sent Ashore

    As of April 23rd, 2014, I am being dismissed from the research vessel which I am currently aboard. An... incident occupied between a shipmate and I. No one was hurt except me. Still, that was enough to get my ass sent back ashore, which is a shame because I really liked this vessel. I am divided...
  4. Bill382

    Newf Owner Nickname?

    In the time that I have owned a Newf, it has occurred to me that we have numerous nicknames for our Newfoundland dogs. Newfs, Newfies, Goofus McNewfus, Princess, the list goes on and on. But there does not appear a nickname for those of us humans that own Newfoundland dogs. What should it be...
  5. Bill382

    photo testing

  6. Bill382

    Photo of my Newfie, Timber

    Here is a picture of Timber from back in November, just weeks after coming home. Okay, so posting pictures is harder than I thought. How does one do so properly?
  7. Bill382

    Photo of my Newfie, Timber

    Here is a picture of Timber from back in November, just weeks after coming home. Okay, how does one post pictures properly?
  8. Bill382

    Far At Sea, Newfie Ashore

    Starting on the 25th of March, I shipped out for the first time since bringing home Timber. Separation from my dear pet has not proven easy, especially during downtime aboard the ship. I routinely find myself surfing the internet looking at pictures and videos of Newfoundlands. There aren't...
  9. Bill382


    Ahoy Newfoundlanders, My name is Bill, and I'm the proud owner of a black Newfie named Timber. She and I both live in Connecticut. Timber entered my life on October 24th, 2013, and having her around is a huge morale booster for my family and I. It pleases me to see that so many others enjoy the...