Recent content by Berwoods

  1. Berwoods

    Halloween Costume No No?

    My husband and I are going to be a German couple for Halloween. We wanted to bring Willow into the mix (we are family after all) and a friend actually suggested "Why don't you put one of those barrels around her neck?! That would be great for pictures!" As you and I know, St Bernards are known...
  2. Berwoods

    Chance for get together in KY/TN/ IL???

    Hello All! Really interested in getting a few Newfs together in our area. Willow is an only child and really needs some Newf play time! I haven't seen anything in the boards about a get together in our area so I was wondering if there was any interest in one? If you would be interested in...
  3. Berwoods

    I need help with some serious decisions!

    Hello All, Willow is 10 months old. We are facing some serious decisions at this time. 1st, should we get her fixed? Her hips and eyes have checked out wonderful but she isn't a show dog. My parents bred rat terriers and I love raising puppies, but I know that Newf rearing is a lot different and...
  4. Berwoods

    Picky Eater, What to feed???

    Hello All, Before I start, I want to let you know that I checked the boards the best I could before I wrote this. There was someone with a very similar issue to ours (Skillie) whose thread was very beneficial but I had some additional questions that I would really appreciate if you Newf experts...
  5. Berwoods

    Willow's Photo Shoot (Sneak Peek)

    Hello All. I posted a few pics in my intro discussion, but wanted to put some on here too. These are just a few sneak peeks we got back from the photographer, should get lots more later. I am still trying to get the hang of the boards. Appreciate the warm acceptance I have been getting from...
  6. Berwoods


    Hi Everyone! My name is Amber. I live in Illinois, right on the Kentucky border, and my husband and I commute everyday. We have only one child, a Newfoundland named Willow Brook. She is currently 10 months old and we are learning a whole lot about Newfies with her! She spends her days lazing...